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The Assessment Item Based on the Perspective of Speaker and Listener: Toward the Oral Presentation Leading to the Formative Assessment
作者 工藤節子
本文以主修日語之大學生於2014年授課中之口頭發表為素材,分析學生之自我評估及作為聽眾時對發表者之評估項目,並以該評估項目及既有研究成果為基礎,訂出有助於口頭發表之形成性評估的評估項目一覽表。依據學期結束前之問卷調查結果,對於導入評估的作法,86%的學生認為自己的發表能力有所提升,而正面的自我評估亦隨著次數增加而升高。因此本文所彙整之評估項目可謂係具有導向形成性評估之可能性的項目。今後,除以本評估項目為基礎,改善指導方法外, 並有必要檢証自我評估及相互評估得如何有助於形成性評估。再者,由於發表是整合資訊及自身想法,將其傳達給聽眾的場合,而非僅是為了評估而發表,因此將其形成為傳達對聽眾有意義的資訊、且有助於課堂上相互學習之場合,極為重要。
In order to advance the formative assessment In the oral presentation of university students, I propose a list of assessment item which was integrated the perspective of self-assessment and peer-assessment. Since the survey conducted in Semester end of 2014 shows 86% students perceived their presentation skill has improved through the lesson, and the analysis of the increase of plus self-assessment item, these assessment items are expected to lead to the formative assessment. These items could be used as a guide for improving teaching, although it need further verification of the relation to the formative assessment by applying to self-assessment and peer-assessment. Another essential point advancing the formative assessment in oral presentation is that there should be meaningful information transmission for the audience.
起訖頁 28-57
關鍵詞 口頭發表形成性評估評估項目自我評估聽話者觀點Oral PresentationFormative assessmentAssessment itemSelf-assessmentListener's perspective
刊名 台灣日語教育學報  
期數 201512 (25期)
出版單位 台灣日語教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 ビジネスメールの授業実践における指導と課題──学習者の產出結果の分析から
該期刊-下一篇 Can-doを取り入れた第二外國語授業のクラス活動と評価方法──学習者の自己評価に関する考察




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