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Technological University Students' Obstacles to Reading a Graded Reader and the Impact of Reading a Graded Reader on Technological University Students' Reading Ability
作者 鄧廣袤
This study aimed at investigating technological university students' obstacles to reading a graded reader and the impact of reading a graded reader on their reading ability. All the data were collected through qualitative and quantitative methods. The quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire and the qualitative data were collected through the subjects' assignments. The findings of this study indicated that insufficient vocabulary size, being only able to understand the most common meaning of a word, and insufficient grammatical knowledge were the subjects' three major obstacles to reading. Adjective clauses, past participles, and noun clauses were the top 3 grammatical concepts most affecting the subjects' reading comprehension. The selected sentences containing a relative clause that has an object pronoun were more difficult to understand than those containing a relative clause that has a subject pronoun. Though, being unable to identify either the form or the function of the first selected past participle and unable to identify the function of the second selected past participle were not closely related to the subjects' comprehension of the two selected sentences that contain a past participle, on average, 32% of the subjects still had difficulty understanding the two selected sentences that contain a past participle. Forty-four percent of the subjects who were unable to identify the forms of the two selected noun clauses beginning with "what" were unable to understand each sentence containing one of the two selected noun clauses. However, being unable to understand "with" and "it" in the first noun clause and "look up" and "from" in the second noun clause should be the main reason why 44% of the subjects misinterpreted the sentence containing the first noun clause and the sentence containing the second noun clause. After reading the selected graded reader, the subjects increased their depth of vocabulary knowledge and breadth of vocabulary knowledge and they improved their reading ability.
起訖頁 277-332
關鍵詞 課外讀本文法概念理解單字廣度及深度graded readergrammatical conceptscomprehensiondepth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201306 (11:1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 漢代新儒學董仲舒哲學之研究




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