中文摘要 |
在海外學習語言的學習者由於在日常生活接觸與使用目標語言的機會不如在當地學習語言的學習者,為了減少學習環境所帶來的差異,在迎接AI時代的當下,教師必須好好思考如何將既有的AI技術運用至教學現場上。因此,本研究的目的即為嘗試運用AI音箱在初階日語語法的練習中,並且確認學習者的學習成效。所謂的AI音箱即為搭載人工智慧的互動式音箱的總稱。本研究使用的AI音箱是Amazon echo shows5讓學生利用內部的應用程式進行日語被動態的變換練習,並且透過實驗與訪談等方式來考察學習者的學習成效與學習心得。本研究的受試者為未習得日語被動態的四名大學生,其利用AI音箱進行日語被動態學習的成效經過實驗分析,其反應速度與正確度不僅與既習者同儕沒有顯著的差異,且其學習成效經過一個月後也沒有顯著的改變。不管是有沒有學過日語被動態,學生們在判斷的正確度上僅會受到該動詞熟悉度的影響。另外透過受試者所記錄的學習單以及訪談的結果可以知道,受試者整體而言都相當滿意使用AI音箱的練習方式,且也都認為優點多於缺點。並且也從一開始僅重視是否能轉換日語被動態到後來開始重視日語發音的音韻面問題。 This study aimed to use AI speakers in the practice of Japanese passive forms and examine the learners' learning outcomes. Then, experiments and interviews were conducted to obtain information regarding the students' learning outcomes and their feedbacks on this learning experience. The participants of this study were four university students who hadn't learned Japanese passive forms before. After analyzing their learning outcomes using the AI speakers, it was found that there was no significant difference in reaction time and accuracy between them and their peers who had already learned Japanese passive forms before. Moreover, there was no significant change in learning outcomes after one month of learning. The accuracy of the students' judgments was influenced only by how familiar they were with the target verb. In addition, according to the records from the participants' learning sheets and the interviews, the participants were generally quite satisfied with the practice using the AI speakers. And they changed from focusing only on Japanese passive forms to starting to pay more attention to the phonetic aspect of Japanese pronunciation. |