中文摘要 |
在《源氏物語》麥生本中可以發現與主流的青表紙本系統及河內本系統都不同類型的文本,而相同的文本尚可見於中京大本及阿里莫本,共計三本,是故此類文本應具有一定考察價值。然而,雖然池田龜鑑已於《源氏物語大成》中對該類文本的各卷作出取捨,但近年亦可見岡嶌偉久子對其結論提出疑問。有鑑於此,若欲使用此類文本進行研究,當不可盲從池田之分類,而應重新就各卷文本性質作出判斷。為此,小論作為麥生本系統文本研究之一環,將以至今為止對此類文本進行考察時所得之結果為基底,先確認玉鬘卷是否具備相同特色足堪判別為此類文本,之後再進一步分析其他異文成因。考察結果發現,雖然玉鬘卷中確實可看見對文意之明瞭化有助的異文以及「おもほす」一語之特殊使用方式,符合麥生本系統之特色,但與他卷相比時於比例上有所不足,因此在使用此類文本時仍須注意各卷校訂程度之落差。此外,並以上述考察為基底,指出屬於麥生本系統的本卷內,有與玉鬘這個人物之定位相關的異文。 A kind of text with different features can be found not only in Munyuubon, but also Tyuukyoudaibon and Arimakabon. Therefore, this kind of text should be worthy being researched. However, though Ikeda Kikan excluded some volumes, the accuracy was doubted. Therefore, researchers should define the feartures of each volume in order to classify rather than follow Ikeda blindly. As a part of the research of the text represented by Munyuubon, this thesis choose to confirm whether the same features developed in the other volumes exist or not firstly before analyzing the cause of the different setences found in this text. According to the investigation, though some differences for the understanding and the use of ''omohosi'' can be confirmed, the deterioration of rate should be concernd. Futhermore, the differences for the character of Tamakazura can also be discovered. |