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Watch and be Watched: Desire for Surveillance, Screenborging and Postmodern Fakery In Taiwan's Local Reality TV
作者 簡妙如
The global rise of the Reality TV genre has generated a new localized viewing pleasure. People, from all over, are now enjoying not only watching but also being watched on Reality TV. In the fantastic age of media convergence, why does the audience like to watch real but sometimes banal people and images portrayed in reality shows? How do media technology, reality, desire and subject interaction dance together in order to shape one another on the formatting stage of reality shows? The case study of Taiwan's local reality TV, TV Spy (2001-2004, CTV), is a hidden camera based program. It also has what one could call a 'gotcha' format. This paper explores the intertwined nature of the observer being observed relationship in reality shows. This article suggests that global reality TV has created a viewer's desire for surveillance. The format of reality TV generates a more involved audience. The name screenborg has been coined to this effect. It is a co-construction of screen effects and the reactive body of viewers. Furthermore, the special case of Taiwan's local reality show also represents a postmodern visual culture of fakery, adroitly created by an invisible production line in Taiwan's local TV industry.
起訖頁 95-124
關鍵詞 真人實境節目假真人秀媒體科技TV搜查線Reality TVTaiwan’s local reality showmedia technologyTV Spy
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200806 (28期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 想像的群眾?真實的商品?——閱聽人圖像之組織形構分析
該期刊-下一篇 媒體經營權轉換對員工勞資關係氣氛、工作滿足與組織承諾影響之初探──以某電視公司為例




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