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Examining Radio Stations' Approaches to DAB Era in Taiwan: From the perspectives of interorganizational imitation decision
作者 黃葳威樊誌融
Facing the vision of the「e-Taiwan」project, what are these experiences for radio stations who have joined the DAB testing plan? What are these preparations for other radio stations that did not join the DAB testing plan? How would radio stations in Taiwan face the innovation of DAB? From the perspective of interorganizational imitation decision, this research examined how radio stations come to adopt imitation decisions to approach to DAB industry. Based on the quantitative questionnaire survey on radio stations and the qualitative in-depth interview with radio industry station managers, and public administrators, the research questions include: 1. What are the expectations and preparations for radio stations to approach to DAB era in Taiwan? 2. From the perspective of interorganization imitation, how radio stations adopt imitation decisions to face the trend of digital era? According to the results, there exists an organizational isomorphism among radio stations in Taiwan. The adoption of an imitation decision by those stations who did not join DAB testing plan is importantly determined by joint networks, and change of programs.
起訖頁 47-78
關鍵詞 跨組織模仿從眾式模仿從型式模仿從效式模仿interorganizational imitationfrequency-based imitationtrait-based imitationoutcome-based imitation
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200401 (22期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 《藍色大門》的影像美學:青少年的性別形象與情慾流動
該期刊-下一篇 論台灣影音(音像)科系的聲音教育問題




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