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Linking Project Management to Citizen Participation Practice: The Case Study of Participatory Budgeting in Taipei City
作者 傅凱若張婷瑄
近年來參與式預算(Participatory Budgeting,簡稱 PB)在臺灣引起了相當大的 關注,已在許多都會區和地方社區實踐。然而,目前對於 PB 的研究大多關注參與 的過程,缺乏對後端執行的結果進行探討,當行政機關無法有效實踐公民參與的提 案反而容易對政府治理產生不利的效果。與其他城市相比,臺北市以全市為範圍進 行 PB 的試驗,而為了有效管理提案的執行而採用私部門所開發的專案管理(Project Management,簡稱 PM)方式。因此,本研究的主要目的是想瞭解臺北市如何面對 不同政治力場的挑戰,並探討如何應用 PM 制度在 PB 的提案執行過程。 本文根據專案管理的生命週期流程,透過次級資料以及深度訪談等研究方法進 行分析,研究發現指出政治環境對於 PB 的執行有不同程度的影響,但並不會阻礙 PB 在臺北的發展與進程;而公部門和私部門實質上追求不同的目標,當政府將專案 管理的概念整合到公部門中,在應用上會與私部門有所差異。囿限於官僚體系的層 級節制和依法行政特性,PM 承辦人的裁量權和資源使用的整合程度低,且受限於 專案管理能力以及課責機制的設計,讓提案完成的自主性受到層層的管控。因此,本研究提出公部門的專案應被視為是一種社會的過程,強調公共價值的創造而非僅是套用一致管理流程的理性工具。透過本文的發現可以提供公部門在專案管理上理論的發展,以及在實務上推進 PB 制度的建議。
Participatory budgeting (PB) has recently gained considerable attention in Taiwan. This new initiative of democratic governance has been implemented in most municipalities and local communities across Taiwan. However, most of the current research on PB focuses on the process of participation and lacks relevant discussion about the results of PB's projects completion after public participation. As the administrative agency cannot effectively accomplish the projects of citizen participation, it can easily lead to adverse effects on governance. In comparison with other cases, Taipei City takes a different approach to practice PB on a city-wide scale and adopts the idea of project management (PM), which was primarily developed in the private sector, in order to effectively manage PB projects. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to understand how Taipei City faces the challenges of different political forces and to explore how to apply PM in the PB's project execution process. Based upon the life cycle of PM, this study collects data from document analysis and in-depth interviews. The results found that the political stakeholders have varying degrees of influence on the implementation of PB's projects, but they don't hinder the development and progress of PB. In essence, the public sector and the private sector pursue different goals. When the government integrates the concept of PM into the public sector, the application will be different from the private sector. Limited to the hierarchical control of public institutions and the characteristics of administration by law, the discretion of the PM managers and the capacity to integrate resource use are low. Additionally, constrained by the competencies of project managers and controlled by the design of the accountability mechanisms, the project managers have limited autonomy to complete these PB's projects. Consequently, this study suggests that public projects should be perceived as a social process, emphasizing the creation of public value rather than the application of rational tools to manage the project processes. According to the findings, this study can provide theoretical development of project management in the public sector as well as suggestions on the practical progress of PB implementation.
起訖頁 43-88
關鍵詞 參與式預算公部門專案管理專案生命週期participatory budgeting public project management project life cycle
刊名 行政暨政策學報  
期數 202012 (71期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-上一篇 影響臺灣電子提案通過成案門檻之因素
該期刊-下一篇 新北市里層級之水災暨坡地災害脆弱性分析:全盤型脆弱性管理架構的初步應用




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