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The Factors Affecting the Success of Passing the Threshold of an Electronic Proposal in Taiwan
作者 林宛萱王宏文王禕梵
在電子治理的浪潮中,臺灣公共政策網路參與平臺的「提點子」機制提供民眾 參與公共事務的機會,如果提案能在 60 天內獲得 5,000 個連署數,則政府必須對民 眾提案做出回應,因此這是一種新的從下而上的政策議程設定機制,希望能鼓勵民 眾參與,但過去研究顯示利益團體對於政策議程有很大的影響力,因此這新的電子 提案平臺能否減少利益團體的影響力?或是說,利益團體在電子提案平臺的影響究 竟為何?是本文的第一個研究焦點。另外,因為通過成案門檻的提案很少,因此本 文想要探索到底有哪些因素會影響提案通過門檻的可能性。筆者蒐集提點子平臺在 2016 年的 504 筆提案資料作為分析標的,透過卡方分析與統計模型分析,本研究發 現有利益團體支持的提案比較會通過成案門檻,而成本分布廣泛的提案比較不容易 通過。從學術的角度來看,研究結果顯示利益團體的影響力,不僅限於傳統的政策 議程設定,在電子連署上,也扮演重要的角色。在實務上,此研究成果隱含若民眾 想要在電子平臺上成功地倡議一項提案,則他們可能要考慮與利益團體合作,以增 加提案通過門檻的機會。對利益團體而言,他們應思考如何形塑提案的形象以及框 架,以提高通過門檻的可能性。
In the wave of e-governance, the electronic proposal platform provides people with the opportunity to participate in public affairs in Taiwan. If proposers gather more than 5,000 signatures within 60 days, the government must respond to those submitted proposals. Therefore, this is a new bottom-up policy agenda setting mechanism, hoping to encourage public participation. However, past studies show that interest groups have a great influence on policy agenda. Can this new electronic proposal platform reduce the influence of interest groups? In other words, what is the influence of interest groups on the electronic proposal platform? It is the first research focus of this article. In addition, because few proposals passed the threshold, this article wants to explore what factors affected the likelihood of a proposal passing this threshold. We collected the data of 504 proposals submitted by citizens on the Join Platform in 2016. Data were analyzed using chi-square analysis and statistical models. Results show that proposals supported by interest groups are more likely to exceed the threshold. Proposals with broad cost distribution are more difficult to pass. From the academic point of view, the results show that the influence of interest groups is not limited to the traditional policy process, but also plays a pivotal role in electronic signatures. In practice, the result implies that if people want to successfully advocate for a proposal on the electronic platform, they should work with interest groups to increase their chances of passing the threshold. For interest groups and their supporters, they should also consider how to shape the image or frame of the proposal to increase the possibility of passing the threshold.
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 電子參與電子提案電子連署利益團體網路參與平臺e-participation electronic proposal e-petition interest group Join Platform
刊名 行政暨政策學報  
期數 202012 (71期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-下一篇 當公民參與遇上專案管理:以臺北市參與式預算的專案管理為例




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