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Now-Denoting Expressions in Tandem with Functional Categories in Early Southern Min Playscripts
作者 連金發
本文從語意詮釋和句法結構兩方面探討明清時期閩南戲文《荔鏡記》 /《荔枝記》表示「當下」的語詞。「當下」界定為發話者說話的時刻, 做為直指的核心(origo)。表當下的時間詞只能出現於情態、否定、疑問、 語態、假設等功能範疇之前。本文接著考察當下的時間詞和人稱代詞及 有指代功能的稱謂語的相對語序。表當下的「今」和代詞的先後搭配關 係反映出第三人稱多於第一、二人稱;而代詞和「今」的先後搭配關係 則得出第一人稱依序多於第二人稱和第三人稱的關係。功能範疇中句標 詞組除了語氣(mood)所涵蓋各種句式外,在其上還有言外言談層,反 映交談者的互動,而當下所提供的時間座標與此正相契合。當下詞語也 發展出會話含意的功能。此外,當下發生的事件常涉及呼語,因此本文 也附帶討論了呼語結構的用法特徵。
The paper examines the expressions denoting now in Lìjìng Jì and Lìzhī Jì, Ming and Qing playscripts, in terms of semantic interpretation and syntactic structure. They provide the temporal anchor for the sentences featuring the interaction of interlocutors in speech events. Now involving indexicality is defined as the moment at which the speaker speaks. The temporal expressions denoting now is construed as the origo of a speech event at the top level of TP, and they are found to scope over other functional categories. On the grounds that the current speech event involves the interaction between speaker and addressee, an examination of the data shows the relative order of Now-expressions and pronouns and terms of address carrying pronominal functions. I also touch on the conversational implicature of the now-denoting expressions and the role of vocatives in the interaction of interlocutors in speech events.
起訖頁 41-75
關鍵詞 明清戲文句法語意閩南語當下Ming/Qing playscripts syntax semantics Southern Min now
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 202004 (15:1期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺閩語多功能詞「算」的語法化──兼論「算」與「V算」的比較
該期刊-下一篇 台語句首言談標記「啊」




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