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The Grammaticalization of Sng 3 in TSM and a Comparison of Sng3 and V-Sng3
作者 蘇建唐
臺閩語「算」可用作計數義動詞、當作義動詞、認知情態副詞與關聯 副詞等,除了背後可用「估量事物的成分關係」概念涵括外,此間差異則 體現在「算」的分布位置及其鄰接成分的語義特徵上。其次看到上述各 功能間的語法化(grammaticalization,Hopper and Traugott 2003)發展, 最初「算」先是用做計數義動詞,受到推論機制影響而承載了說者認知; 爾後,再聯合類推以及重新分析機制逐漸發展為不同副詞;在上述發展 過程中,主觀性與互動主觀性也扮演了關鍵角色。最後,本文也比較「算」 與「V 算」結構;從功能分布相近度來看,大致可將各詞分成兩組:(1) 「算」與「徛算」;(2)「拍算」與「按算」。這也顯示涉及相同概念的詞 項,此間體現的語法行為與發展路徑較一致。
This paper aims to investigate the multifunctional word sng3 in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM). The four functions of sng3 , including the use as a verb meaning ''to count'', a cognitive verb, an epistemic adverb and a conjunctive adverb, can be spelled out from the positions it occurs as well as the semantic feature of its adjacent components. The four functions reflect the different stages of the grammaticalization of sng3 . The grammaticalization from a verb of counting to a conjunctive adverb is first triggered by inference, then further influenced by analogy and reanalysis. In addition, subjectivity and intersubjectivity also come into play in the process. Finally, a survey on sng3 and several V-sng3 verbs show that sng3 and khia-sng3 are different from phah4 -sng3 and an3 -sng3 from an investigation on their syntactic functions. The syntactic division is in accordance with the development of the verb.
起訖頁 1-40
關鍵詞 主觀性互動主觀性語法化V 算sng3 ''count'' V-sng3 subjectivity intersubjectivity grammaticalization
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 202004 (15:1期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-下一篇 早期閩南戲文中「當下」語詞和其他功能詞的互動




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