中文摘要 |
日影丈吉〈老鼠〉於昭和34年(1959年)發表於《宝石》雜誌。小說內容是由「我」的觀點來敘述,「日本人所發生的不可思議的戀愛事件」。故事的背景為,「那時(昭和十八年)我的軍隊駐營於台北市的對岸一個叫新莊的城市,而場景是戰爭中的台灣。此篇作品在研究史上,並沒有受到各界所重視,然卻在為數不多的研究文獻中,江戶川亂步曾在書評中表示「標題「老鼠」是甚麼意思呢?應好好品味作者獨特之話術」。再者,日影丈吉也表示「在外地的軍旅生活中,發生了幾例的軍隊與人妻之間的姦通事件,以軍隊中的兵長或一起使壞的傢伙為範本」而描寫而成的。作品背景為台灣,作中出現台灣當時的「高砂啤酒」、「眠床,甚至「西遊記」以及反覆出現台灣戲劇「雙包案」的妖怪故事等,在作中有著甚麼樣的機能呢?且此亦反映出怎麼樣的台灣的實際狀態呢?也都是值得留意的。本論文在研究方法上,將以文本閱讀的方式來解構此篇作品的架構,並著眼於當時的作品背景。而論證的方式,首先著重「我」所敘事的方式,透過「我」的敘事,解構本作品之整體結構。再者,探討當時的台灣要素,才能找到存在於日影丈吉文學中「老鼠」之文學位置。 Hikage Jokichi's ''Mouse was published in the ''Germ Magazine'' in 1959. Contents of the novel were written from the perspective of ''I'' to describe ''the incredible love story of Japanese.'' Background of the story was ''in a town named Xinzhuang when my military was stationed in Taipei City at that time(1943),'' that is Taiwan during the war time. This piece of work has been not been highly recognized, yet in some scarce studies, such as that of Edogawa Lampo, who wrote ''what is the meaning of ''mouse'' in the title? I would like to get to know the author's unique use of terminologies.'' Furthermore, Hikage Jokichi also wrote ''in the foreign military life, several incidents of affairs between soldiers and civilian wives and they served as the example of deterioration of military discipline of soldiers and commanders.'' In the background of Taiwan, his work mentioned ''Takasago,'' ''Sleep Bed,'' ''Journey to the West,'' and even the repeated scenes of spirit story ''Double Bao Case.'' What are the functions behind? What has been reflected to the actual situation in past Taiwan? These deserve to be given attention. In terms of research method, this study utilizes text reading to decompose structure of this novel with the focus on background of the work. By utilizing argument, this study emphasizes on the narrative way of ''I'' to analyze the overall structure of the work. Furthermore, elements of Taiwan at that time are addressed to define the ''mouse'' of Hikage Jokichi in the context of literature. |