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日影丈吉〈老鼠〉論──台灣的「空間」(A Study on the Discourse Analysis of Hikage Jokichi's ''Mouse'' in the Space of Taiwan)
作者 黃如萍
Hikage Jokichi's ''Mouse was published in the ''Germ Magazine'' in 1959. Contents of the novel were written from the perspective of ''I'' to describe ''the incredible love story of Japanese.'' Background of the story was ''in a town named Xinzhuang when my military was stationed in Taipei City at that time(1943),'' that is Taiwan during the war time. This piece of work has been not been highly recognized, yet in some scarce studies, such as that of Edogawa Lampo, who wrote ''what is the meaning of ''mouse'' in the title? I would like to get to know the author's unique use of terminologies.'' Furthermore, Hikage Jokichi also wrote ''in the foreign military life, several incidents of affairs between soldiers and civilian wives and they served as the example of deterioration of military discipline of soldiers and commanders.'' In the background of Taiwan, his work mentioned ''Takasago,'' ''Sleep Bed,'' ''Journey to the West,'' and even the repeated scenes of spirit story ''Double Bao Case.'' What are the functions behind? What has been reflected to the actual situation in past Taiwan? These deserve to be given attention. In terms of research method, this study utilizes text reading to decompose structure of this novel with the focus on background of the work. By utilizing argument, this study emphasizes on the narrative way of ''I'' to analyze the overall structure of the work. Furthermore, elements of Taiwan at that time are addressed to define the ''mouse'' of Hikage Jokichi in the context of literature.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 日影大吉「老鼠」敘事《台湾風俗誌》影響日影丈吉「ねずみ」語り『台湾風俗誌』影響Hikage Jokichi''Mouse''narrative''Taiwan Social Life and Customs''impact
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 202012 (40期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 《日本書紀》中之「齊明紀」的記述方法 ──以「大規模土木工程」與「怪異事件」之相關敘述為中心(The Writing Style of Chronicle of Emperor Saimei in Nihon Shoki: Centered on the text of ''large-scale civil engineering'' and ''weird events'')




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