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Applying Problem-Based Learning and Animated Textbooks in the Teaching Practice of Trust Courses
作者 倪仁禧
近年來各大學重視學生專業學習與就業能力結合,信託專業人員證照為從事金融業人員必備之證照。在多年來擔任信託課程的教學過程中,觀察學生學習信託法規課程所遭遇之問題,為改善學生學習信託課程問題,提升學習成效,本研究嘗試於信託課程教學過程中引用「問題導向學習」(problem-based learning, PBL)教學法及動畫教材,作為觀察學生於信託課程學習上改變情形之教學研究。本研究採準實驗設計,探討信託法規實施PBL教學法及動畫輔助教材對學生學習成效、學習態度及學習動機之成效。以107學年度兩個班級進行PBL教學法對學生學習成效及學習態度之比較研究;以107學年度及106學年度兩個班級進行動畫輔助教材對學生學習成效及學習動機之比較研究。研究結果顯示,採用PBL教學法的實驗組在學習成效、學習成效提升、學習態度等方面均顯著優於傳統教學法。傳統紙本教材輔助動畫教材在學習成效、學習動機方面,顯著優於傳統紙本教材。在學習成效提升方面,由信託法規的認知程度到專業程度,動畫教材與傳統教材均有顯著性成長,但了解程度到專業程度過程則不顯著。
Universities have been endeavoring to integrate students' professional learning and employability. Trust professional licenses are required for employees in the financial industry. The author has observed problems encountered by students in the trust laws courses the author has hosted in the past years. To mitigate these problems and improve students' learning outcomes, this study employed problem-based learning (PBL) and animated textbooks in trust courses to examine changes in students' learning performance. A quasi-experimental approach was adopted to investigate the effect of PBL and animated textbooks on students' learning outcomes, attitudes, and motivations. The effect of PBL on students' learning outcomes and attitudes was compared between two classes from the 2018 academic year, and the effect of animated textbooks on students' learning outcomes and motivations was compared between two classes from the 2017 and 2018 academic years. The results revealed that PBL significantly outperformed the conventional teaching method in raising students' learning outcomes and attitudes. The conventional teaching method enriched with animated textbooks also significantly outperformed the pure conventional teaching method in improving students' learning outcomes and motivations. However, although the combination of animated textbooks and conventional teaching methods considerably improved students' knowledge of trust laws and their professional competency, no significant effect was observed in the conversion of this understanding into professional competency.
起訖頁 47-86
關鍵詞 動畫教材問題導向學習(PBL)學習成效學習動機學習態度animated textbookproblem-based learning (PBL)learning outcomelearning motivationlearning attitude
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202009 (3:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 問題導向學習在觀光活動課程之設計與實踐
該期刊-下一篇 導入「產學專案」之創新餐旅創業課程:學生學習與課程成效評估之研究




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