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Design and Implementation of Problem-Based Learning in a Course on Tourism Activities
作者 洪于婷
近年來地方政府戮力舉辦各種觀光活動,作為宣導與推廣手法,顯示觀光教育理念應著重培養對觀光產業的了解,並具備舉辦觀光活動之技能。為培養學生具備界定觀光發展問題及研擬解決方案之實作能力,本研究以「問題導向學習」(problem-based learning, PBL)為課程設計理念,以大學二年級學生為實踐對象,業師與授課教師為輔的主軸進行於107學年度第一學期「觀光活動設計與管理」課程,期以培養學生舉辦觀光活動之知識與技能。教學策略依序為影音教材、校外參訪實地體驗觀光活動、企劃文案工作坊、觀光活動情境模擬競賽。授課場域,除傳統教室課堂外,並將課程延伸至校外觀光工廠,帶領學生參訪觀光工廠實際運作模式,讓學生接觸產業文化。研究工具使用「校外觀光工廠參訪問卷」、「教師教學學生意見問卷」、「學生學習成效問卷」等量化工具,亦有「校外觀光工廠參訪學習單」與「觀光活動個案評析」等質性工具,透過六場實際模擬觀光活動情境之成果,探討融入PBL在觀光活動課程對教師教學及學生學習的影響,並提供未來執行相同課程之教師反思與教學建議。研究結果顯示,跨場域不同空間、競賽獎勵,以及自主的學習方式,確實讓學生產生學習興趣與主動學習態度。學生學習成果與學習回饋顯示實踐PBL教學設計十分適合觀光活動設計課程,可引發學生學習企劃文案興趣,讓學生自主實踐活動內容,促使學生整體學習動機為高程度,且學習成就上亦有顯著之進步。
Local governments have been endeavoring to host tourism activities for promoting. Accordingly, tourism education should emphasize students' understanding of tourism industries and their skills in hosting tourism activities. To help cultivate students' ability to define problems in tourism industries and formulate solutions accordingly, this study incorporated problem-based learning (PBL) in a course on tourism activity design and management; the course was aimed at second-year university students, jointly taught by professional and academic instructors, and conducted in the first semester of the 2018 academic year. The purpose of the course was to enhance students' knowledge and skills in hosting tourism activities. Audiovisual teaching materials, off-campus experiential tourism activities, project workshops, and tourism activity scenario simulation competitions were employed in the course. In addition to conventional classroom learning, students also participated in off-campus tourism factory visits; students were guided in observing the actual operations of the factory, thereby experiencing industrial culture first-hand. The quantitative research instruments were questionnaires on the tourism factory visit, the instructors' teaching, and students' learning outcomes. The qualitative instruments were a learning checklist on off-campus tourism factory visits and an evaluation of a tourism activity case study. The results of the 6 tourism activity scenario simulations were incorporated in the discussion concerning how the tourism activity course integrated with PBL affected instructor teaching and student learning; furthermore, suggestions were proposed for the future implementation of the course. According to the results of this study, the use of different teaching spaces, competition rewards, and autonomous learning improved students' learning interests and positive learning attitudes. According to students' learning outcomes and feedback, PBL course design is suitable for courses related to tourism activity design; PBL raises students' interests in learning to plan projects and encourages them to voluntarily engage in practice of the activities, thereby enhancing learning motivations and improving learning outcomes.
起訖頁 1-46
關鍵詞 問題導向學習(PBL)翻轉教育觀光活動情境模擬觀光活動設計與管理problem-based learning (PBL)flipped educationtourism activity scenario simulationtourism activity design and management
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202009 (3:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 問題導向學習結合動畫教材應用於信託課程之教學實踐研究




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