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Comparison of EU, German and French Legislations on Internet Platforms’Liability for Misinformation and Protection of Freedom of Expression: Learn from European Court of Justice Judgments about Online Platforms’Liability for Defamation
作者 楊智傑 (Chih-Chieh Yang)
In the age of misinformation quickly distributing through internet platforms and social networks, most countries in the world began to think how to design the liability imposed on internet platforms, requiring them to help blocking the spread of misinformation. While E-Commerce directive 2000 of EU only adopted the “knowledge and takedown” model, Network Enforcement Act passed by Germany in 2017 and Law on Combating Manipulation of Information passed by France in 2018, both impose legal liability on internet service providers, asking that internet platforms should assist blocking and taking-down misinformation. The contents of both acts of Germany and France, and the dispute of their violations of freedom of expression will be introduced. Until now, European Court of Human Rights has no chance to deal with the issues of these acts against misinformation such as the Germany and France one; however, there has been three cases involving personal defamation suit in which plaintiffs alleging internet platforms should be liable for their damages. These three cases raised the conflict between freedom of expression and right of reputation. These three cases will be introduced in detail, and the inspiration from these cases will be explained. At last, we try to classify different regulatory models on liability imposed on internet platforms from several countries and legal documents, and compare them with the Digital Communication Act draft of Taiwan. We argued that, if there is a necessity to design a law imposing liability on internet platforms about their distributing misinformation, at first we have to clearly define the category of speech which the law aims to focus on, then we could ask the platforms to take more strict measures and liability.
起訖頁 43-106
關鍵詞 假訊息網路平台德國網絡執行法法國對抗資訊操弄法歐洲人權法院MisinformationInternet PlatformNetwork Enforcement Act of GermanyLaw on Combating Manipulation of Information of FranceEuropean Court of Human Rights
刊名 憲政時代  
期數 201907 (45:1期)
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
該期刊-上一篇 公民投票提案的合憲性審查──以比較法的觀察及我國法制的檢討為核心
該期刊-下一篇 有見解歧異便要移送大法庭?──統一見解、審判獨立、當事人權益保護之調和




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