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The Three Principles of Peace in China Neo Strategy: China Neo Diplomacy and Strategic Options of Taiwan
作者 王崑義
The international strategic idea of '' Peaceful Rise '' has been an important index for evaluating China foreign policy in Hu Jintao' s era, since China announced it in 2003. Meanwhile, it is also an important point to observe if China fits into international orders. After the concept ''Peaceful Rise'' was announced, there were lots of disputations about it in the international relations area of internal China. Therefore, China switched to advancing the concept ''Peaceful Development'' as the core of its modem diplomatic policy in the second half year of 2004. Under the base of ''Peaceful Development'', ''The Three Principles of Peace in China Neo Strategy'' becomes the main idea of guiding China internal and foreign strategy. ''The Three Principles of Peace in China Neo Strategy'' includes three parts: Seeking peace in foreign affairs, seeking harmony in domestic affairs and seeking compromise in cross-strait affairs. On November 2005, Hu Jintao brought up the new idea of ''Harmonious World'' in the United Nations General Assembly. After that, the concept of ''Harmony'' becomes the eventful strategic center as an instrument for constructing China Neo Diplomacy. During the sixth annual meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on June 2006, once again Hu Jintao brought up the concepts of ''Harmonious Region'' and ''Harmonious Asia''. Generally speaking, ''Harmonious Diplomacy'' has become the new specific thought of China foreign policy in the era of Hu Jintao. We should think about how Taiwan can do in corresponding with the continuous innovation and mature operation of China diplomatic ideas. In another word, we should think about how to reconstruct Taiwan diplomatic strategy in corresponding with China Neo diplomatic strategy, and this is the main idea of this article.
起訖頁 19-46
關鍵詞 和平崛起和平發展和諧世界台灣戰略peaceful risepeaceful developmentharmonious worldTaiwan strategy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200701 (17期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 關於當前中國「大戰略」討論的辯證問題
該期刊-下一篇 中國的石油安全戰略




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