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China's Deterrence Strategy toward Taiwan: Theory and Practice
作者 許志嘉
There are two deterrence types and three players in the Taiwan Strait deterrence structure. One deterrence type is performed by China, for she wants to deter Taiwan and USA. The other is performed by the US and Taiwan to deter China. Anti-Taiwan independence has become the main theme of Chinese new leaders' Taiwan policy. In order to achieve this strategic goal, China has long adopted deterrence strategy to deter Taiwan from declaring Independence. China's deterrent behavior included military power, economic power, diplomatic isolation, legal war and psychological war. China's deterrence from Taiwan's recovery Mainland could be successful in the cold war era, and China's deterrence from Taiwan's declaring legal is also successful nowadays. Threatening deterrence maybe maintain the peace across Taiwan Strait, yet this kind of peace is unstable. A harsh deterrence could only hurt the feeling of Taiwanese and also strengthen Taiwanese fear of borderlandization. Enhancing China's economic power and political reform, looking for Taiwanese consideration and respect, reducing the pressure on Taiwanese society, and negotiating with Taiwan's government with more equal attitude are the best way to avoid war and solve cross-strait issue peacefully.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 嚇阻嚇阻理論兩岸關係中共對台政策deterrencedeterrence theorycross-strait relationsChina's Taiwan Policy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200607 (15期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-下一篇 中國崛起戰略辯論中的台灣問題




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