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Cross-Strait Relations after Chen Shui-bian's Coming into Power
作者 許志嘉
Chen Sui-bian won the 2000 Presidential Election in Taiwan, and it's the first time for an opposition party coming into power. The changing of the ruling party in Taiwan is a new variety for the cross-strait relations. In his inaugural speech, President Chen showed his goodwill toward Mainland China by addressing not declaring independence. Facing the new political changing in Taiwan, Mainland China's policy toward seemed not changed. Under the doctrine of ''one country, two systems,'' Mainland China's Taiwan policy includes: listening to the words and observing the deeds, insisting one China policy but changing the statement, continuing force threat, promoting three links, and striving for Taiwan people's support. Because of the highly distrust, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait could not express their goodwill progressively. The cross-strait political relations seemed stagnant, but the economic and civil exchange seemed actively. The characteristic of the cross-strait relations could be included as below: political deadlock, renegotiation seemed not easy, diplomatic war enlarging, latent military conflict threat, and civil exchange promoting. For Taiwan, the national security could not rely on China's goodwill or the support of the US. Developing economic power and enhancing the unity of Taiwan's public opinion would be the best policy for the long peace for cross-strait relations.
起訖頁 83-112
關鍵詞 兩岸關係政黨輪替對台政策大陸政策cross-strait relationsChen Sui-bianChina policyTaiwan policy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200304 (2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「南向政策」的重新評估:兩岸關係停滯下台灣的對外新策略




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