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Acceptance of Tattoo Culture from Different Lifestyle Groups in Taiwan
作者 邱淑萍杜瑞澤徐傳瑛朱維政
根據刺青之文獻記載,刺青源自於刑罰,是對罪犯施以無法磨滅的懲罰印記,在台灣,刺青從部落社會的地位象徵,移轉成黑道幫派及特定行業的象徵標記,經時代變遷與社會型態的改變,刺青結合流行文化,經轉譯已漸成為青少年表現個性,對自我身體掌控的表徵,此種非主流的次文化藝術,儼然讓身體成為銘刻自我的人體畫布。本研究旨在探討不同族群對刺青文化的接受度是否存在差異。研究發現:刺青部位以腳踝手腕接受度最高達 39.2% ;抽像的刺青圖騰最受青睞;而認同刺青是一種藝術表現雖高達 50.9% ,但有刺青及無刺青者對刺青文化的接受度還是具有顯著性差異,原因乃對刺青行為的負面既定印象根深蒂固,因此如何扭轉刺青文化導向正面的意象且讓更多社會大眾接受是刺青推崇者有待努力之處。
According to historical records, tattoo is originated from a kind of punishment that leaves indelible markings on criminals. In Taiwan, tattoo converts from a status symbol of tribal society into a label of middle and lower-level social class. However, along with changes in the times and social values, tattoo has integrated with pop culture and gradually become a token that symbolizes teenagers’ love and their control over bodies. Now, tattoo is a kind of non-mainstream sub-culture art. This study aims to investigate perceptions of tattoo culture under their different lifestyles. Results finding: 47.7% of testees agree that tattoo is a kind of artistic expression. Research results show people with or without tattoo are different in acceptance of tattoo culture is significantly. Although most of testees agree tattoo is a kind of artistic expression, but the negative impression of tattoo behavior is deeply ingrained. Tattoo advocates and enthusiasts should emphasize on how to convert people’s negative impression of tattoo into positive attitude.
起訖頁 435-449
關鍵詞 刺青圖騰次文化生活型態藝術表現TattooTotemSub-cultureLifestyleArtistic Expression
刊名 文化創意產業研究學報  
期數 201212 (2:4期)
出版單位 臺灣知識創新學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣電子書產業現況與策略分析




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