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Error Analysis of Naming for Learners of Chinese and Its Teaching Implications
作者 賴怡秀
The present paper aimed to elucidate the process of object-action naming for L1 speakers and L2 learners of Chinese, as revealed in two picture naming tasks. Speech samples were collected from nineteen L1 speakers of Chinese and eleven L2 learners of intermediate Chinese proficiency level in southern Taiwan. Each participant individually completed the tasks. Sixty black-and-white pictures were adopted as instruments for the naming tasks. Among them, there were thirty-five object pictures and twenty-five action pictures. Object pictures were divided into seven sub-categories, while action pictures were composed of four sub-categories. Oral productions were tape-recorded and transcribed for analysis. The number of correct responses and the duration of response time were calculated; both error types and frequency were counted and discussed. Statistical analysis was conducted to examine the frequent error types made by these L2 learners of Chinese. Findings in the current study helped characterize the naming performance for L2 learners of intermediate Chinese proficiency and contributed to the future vocabulary instruction in Chinese.
本研究旨在闡述華語母語者與學習者於兩項圖片命名(物件動作命名)表現。研究參與者為南臺灣 19 位華語母語者與 11 位 中級華語學習者,個別進行命名 60 張黑白圖片作業,其中 35 張 為物件圖片,25 張為動作圖片。物件圖片可細分為七類,動作圖 片則細分為四類。研究分析依參與者命名表現之正確反應、反應時 間、錯誤類型、錯誤頻率等,加以統計與討論。本研究發現有助於 具體呈現中級華語學習者之命名模式,並對未來華語詞語教學有 所貢獻。
起訖頁 71-95
關鍵詞 詞彙命名華語詞語教學lexicon naming vocabulary teaching and learning in Chinese
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 202006 (20期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣教育部「對外華語文教學能力認證考試」中的「華人社會與文化」考題適切性探討




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