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Selden Map有關臺灣與琉球的描繪及其知識淵源:兼論北港與加里林的位置與地緣意涵
Taiwan and Ryukyu in Selden Map: A Cartographic and Toponymic Analysis
作者 陳宗仁
Selden Map 典藏於英國牛津大學 Bodleian 圖書館,繪製於十七世紀初期,近 年頗受學界關注。本文分析 Selden Map 有關臺灣、琉球海域的描繪,分別針對圖 形、文字標註及針路討論。依據十六世紀與十七世紀初期中國、日本及歐洲地圖 對於臺灣、琉球海域描繪的異同,指出圖形受到歐洲 Mercator 型地圖的影響。地 名與航路的分析,顯示臺灣與琉球都不是繪者關注的重點,但關於臺灣、琉球海 域的地名與航路均受到福建水手的海域知識影響。整體而言,Selden Map 有關臺 灣、琉球的描繪,和對日本海域的描繪方式相同,均在十六世紀葡萄牙海圖的基 礎上,加上唐人的海域知識。 本文另一重點是討論琉球國、北港及加里林的意涵,認為「琉球國」只是前往 日本路程中的航行指標,琉球的「大交易時代」業已結束。至於臺灣海域標註「北 港」與「加里林」這兩個地名,本文認為北港應該在古魍港內海,加里林則是彰化 的二林。這兩個地名的重要性在於它們最初是區域性港口,但是在十六世紀唐人 沿著臺灣西海岸捕魚、經商過程中,北港成為閩南船隻經澎湖前往臺灣西岸各港 口的結點;至於加里林則是閩南船隻從澎湖直航臺灣中、北部海域時必經的港口。
Thanks to its atypical qualities and the mystery behind its creation, the so-called "Selden Map" has received plenty of academic attention following its rediscovery in 2008. This early seventeenth-century map uses seemingly traditional Chinese map-making techniques to depict Ming China, Joseon Korea, Japan, as well as maritime Southeast Asia. On the other hand, the coast lines of Southeast Asia exhibit great similarity with modern maps, unlike any other contemporary works. Taking the analysis of Ryukyu and Taiwan in this map as a case study, this article argues that Selden Map is a combined work and represents a hybrid of contemporary Overseas Chinese and European sources. Analysis on the depictions of Ryukyu and Taiwan revealed that the painter did not pay attention to these two areas, and used them only as navigation indicators for Japan. In addition, Taiwan's waters are marked with two place names "Beigang (北港)" and "Jialilin (加里林)" which, as discussed in this article, were important ports of western Taiwan in the early seventeenth century.
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 唐人針路海圖地圖史東亞海域史Overseas Chinese Maritime Asia Shipping Route Selden Map Cartography History
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 202009 (27:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣女性在滿洲的生活經驗(1905-1948)




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