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The influences on citizens' perceived fear of burglary in metropolitan Taipei
作者 楊雅琳賴擁連
「免於恐懼的自由」(freedom from fear)是憲法保障人民的基本權利,更是政府責無旁貸的重責大任。但傳統以來政府部門,特別是警察部門,均以降低犯罪率或犯罪數量,作為治安滿意度的重要衡量指標,卻忽略犯罪恐懼感在治安滿意度的重要性。此外,犯罪恐懼感中,住宅竊盜恐懼感與民眾關係程度最為深切,但卻嚴重被忽略。因此,本研究植基於國外對於犯罪恐懼感的相關解釋模式與變項,進行本土性之實證研究。利用2015年針對大台北地區1806位18歲以上成年人所收集的電訪資料,進行適切的統計工具分析。結果發現,約有43%的受訪者對於住家的竊盜犯罪感到恐懼,再者,透過邏輯式迴歸分析後發現,在人口統計模式中教育程度愈高者、已婚或同居者、有家人被害經驗者、居住傳統住屋型態者,表達出較高的住竊恐懼感|而在社區脈絡模式中,犯罪狀況感受欲強烈者,對於住竊表達出較高的恐懼感,但對於集體效能感受強烈者,則表達出較低的住竊擔心程度。最後,根據本研究發現,提出適切的政策意涵,供一般民眾與警政部門參考。
“Freedom from fear'' is one of the Constitution's human rights in a democratic society. It is also an unavoidable responsibility which is carried out by the all levels of governments, specifically the police departments. Traditionally, the governments, specifically the police departments, always regard the crime reduction as a criteria to estimate the levels of satisfaction with order and safety. Unfortunately, the reduction of fear of crime as the other criteria has been largely overlooked. Moreover, while the property crime accounts for the significant ratio of criminal incidents in Taiwan every year, the fear of property crime has been unequally ignored. Based on those theoretical models and variables developed in the western societies, this study aims to explore the levels of fear of burglary and its related explanatory variables in Taiwan. Data used in current study were collected from a random-sampled telephone survey of 1,806 citizens over the age of 18 in Metropolitan Taipei in 2015. Results indicated that approximately 43% of the respondents reported worried and very worried about burglary while not at home. Moreover, the results from binary logistic regression revealed that, among demographical model, the educated, the married/cohabitants, those who have vicarious victim experiences, and those who lived in traditional housing styles reported higher levels of fear of burglary. In terms of community context model, perceptions of crime and collective efficacy significantly predict fear of burglary. Finally, according to the findings of this study, some appropriate policy implications are proposed for the public and police departments.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 犯罪恐懼感社區失序集體效能住宅竊盜警察滿意度fear of crimedisordercollective efficacyburglarysatisfaction with police
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 202006  (22:1期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-下一篇 建構公務員貪腐犯罪預防模式與具體實踐研析




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