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Transparent Hard Coating Deposited by Closed Field Magnetron Sputtering with High-power Impulse Source
作者 廖博輝蕭健男蕭銘華林郁洧陳昇暉
In this research, the plasma technique has been implemented to develop the closed field magnetron sputtering to improve the ability of sputtering reaction, the stability of the plasma and deposition rate. Then high power impulse magnetron sputtering is applied to increase the deposition energy and packing density. Next, Si_3N_4 and SiO_xN_y films are deposited with the novel deposition technique and the transparent hard coating is designed and manufactured. A 3-layer of AR coating in the DUV range is designed and fabricated on double side quartz and a high transmittance of 99.22% is attained at 244 nm. A four-layer coating is deposited on both sides of a silicon substrate. The average transmittance from 3200-4800 nm is 99.0% and the highest transmittance is 99.97 % around 4200 nm. A film structure of 6-layer transparent hard coating/glass/4-layer AR coating is designed and deposited. Its average transmittance is 96.0% in the visible range while its hardness is 21 GPa.
起訖頁 48-62
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 202003 (222期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 原子層沉積製程技術於能源材料之應用
該期刊-下一篇 電漿氮化法製備超薄氮化矽緩衝層於InN奈米柱成長之研究




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