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作者 梁心禎鄭錦秋王伯頎
The security industry in Taiwan started in 1978 and has gone through 43 years of development. Through the evolution of social, political, economic and current circumstances, the development of the security market has become a prosperous and prosperous scene. At present, the development of community security security has become a security The company's main business items. Therefore, community security personnel have become the executors of the community's security line of defense. Community access control and crime prevention have become an important link for maintaining people's life safety and social security. In recent years, the residential building model tends to be integrated and high-rise, which has driven the security industry market rapidly Based on the consideration of social security protection and the safety of people's lives, the development of community security is more towards professional management in strengthening security and maintenance. This research mainly explores the work performance of community security personnel in the workplace, and discusses the improvement and improvement of service efficiency, promotes the security personnel to be competent and perform their work performance in the community workplace environment, and strengthens more security protection for community security management. The conclusions of this research discuss the recommended guidelines for improving the work efficiency of community security personnel and improving countermeasures. It also analyzes and sorts out the differences of the interviewees' opinions on various topics, and summarizes them into research conclusions to explore the improvement of community preservation work efficiency and improvement measures, so that both the preservation industry and consumers can achieve a win-win situation.
起訖頁 3-31
關鍵詞 社區保全員集合式社區安全管理工作效能Community security guardAssembling communitySecurity managementWork efficiency
刊名 中國地方自治  
期數 202009 (73:9期)
出版單位 中國地方自治學會
該期刊-上一篇 評司法院釋字第793號解釋之思維邏輯
該期刊-下一篇 運用結構方程模式探討個人-組織契合、知識分享與知識創新之關聯性




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