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疑似肌少症的評估與診斷:從EWGSOP2及AWGS 2019肌少症篩檢流程新建議談起
The Evaluation and Diagnosis of Possible Sarcopenia: A viewpoint on Sarcopenia which Based on Announcement of EWGSOP2 and AWGS 2019
作者 徐錦興 (Chin-Hsing Hsu)蔡宜陵曹德弘
活動力降低可能導致長者的生活品質下降,其中肌肉質與量扮演一個重要的關鍵角色|肌少症是個體隨年齡增長、肌肉質量減少的現象,也是世界各國在高齡化社會中所關切的議題之一。目前世界衛生組織已將肌少症(Sarcopenia)正式認定為一項疾病(ICD-10-CM(M62. 84)),自2010年起,歐洲肌少症工作小組EWGSOP、亞洲肌少症工作小組AWGS分別列舉肌少症之診斷標準|主要以個體之行走速度、肌力表現與骨骼肌質量為依據。兩大肌少症工作小組於2018 & 2019分別提出診斷上的修訂,除診斷數據的修訂外,亦增列「疑似肌少症」的篩檢標準。透過兩大工作小組對「疑似肌少症」的概念,可以讓第一線從事長者服務者在發現有可能是肌少症的個案時,即時給予適當的營養調整或身體活動的介入,或進行轉介至醫療機構確認之,以達到及早診斷、積極介入的目標。
Decreased physical activity may lead to a decline in the quality of life among elderly, of which muscle mass and quantity play an important key role. Sarcopenia is a phenomenon in which the individual increases with age and muscle mass decreases, and is one of critical issues in aging societies around the world. The World Health Organization has officially recognized sarcopenia as a disease (ICD-10-CM (M62.84)). Both sarcopenia working groups, which are EWGSOP and AWGS have been listed the diagnostic criteria of sarcopenia in 2010| it is mainly based on the individual's walking speed, muscle performance and skeletal muscle quality. EWGSOP and AWGS proposed a concept of diagnosis in 2018 and 2019: suspected sarcopenia. Through the concept of "suspected sarcopenia", the health care providers might provide appropriate nutritional adjustments or physical activity interventions immediately.
起訖頁 15-25
關鍵詞 肌少症歐洲肌少症工作小組亞洲肌少症工作小組SarcopeniaEWGSOPAWGS
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202009 (13期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 數學課融入10分鐘中等至費力運動對國小學童注意力之影響──以新北市重陽國小為例
該期刊-下一篇 速度依循訓練之理論與實務




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