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The Study of Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty of Airline Passengers - The Antecedents of Purchase Perception and M-Commerce Quality
作者 陳麗珍
國際觀光活動持續成長,旅遊活動攀升帶動了航空運輸業之發展,促使航空業面臨急遽競爭市場之挑戰。航空業如何透過多元化經營,尋求永續經營之關鍵因素,應為航空業者極為重視與探討的議題。本研究透過文獻資料蒐集建構研究架構,針對北高二個國際機場旅客進行問卷調查,共計回收270份有效問卷,以SPSS22.0和AMOS22.0視窗版進行量化實證分析。本研究採用結構方程模式((Structural Equation Model, SEM)進行分析,探討航空旅客在購買認知、行動商務品質、轉換成本三個變項上的認知,及影響航空旅客忠誠度之關聯性研究|並進一步檢驗轉換成本在購買認知與忠誠度間、在行動商務品質與忠誠度間之中介影響效果。研究結果顯示,四個變項之間皆有顯著之關聯性,而除了行動商務品質對於忠誠度無直接影響效果外,購買認知與轉換成本對於忠誠度皆具有顯著之正向影響效果。其次,行動商務品質透過轉換成本可提升旅客之忠誠度,具有中介影響效果。根據本研究發現與結論之建議,可提供航空業者、相關旅運產業以及研究領域在學術與實務上之參考。
With the rapid rise of global tourism, the massive needs of air transportation increased in the competitive market environment. Issues with regards to the diversified and sustainable management in the airline business have been brought into attention lately. This study applied the questionnaire survey for the empirical research based on the method of quantitative analysis. Questionnaires administrated to air passengers at the international airports of northern and southern Taiwan, the valid returned 270-sampling was used to analyze as the statistical results and to investigate the relationships among purchase perception, m-commerce quality, switching cost, and customer loyalty| further to validate the mediation effect of switching cost in between purchase perception and customer loyalty, and in between m-commerce and customer loyalty respectively. By using structural equation model (SEM) through AMOS 22.0, the results showed that four variables were significant correlated. Purchase perception and switching cost had significant positive influences on customer loyalty| however M-commerce had no significant influence on customer loyalty. Most importantly, through switching cost showed a significant mediation effect between mobile commerce quality and customer loyalty| whereas the mediation effect didn't support that in between purchase perception and customer loyalty. The research results can be used for the reference of the researches and practices in association with airline industry, tourism industry and the related fields.
起訖頁 176-185
關鍵詞 購買認知行動商務品質轉換成本Purchase PerceptionM-CommerceSwitching Cost
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202009 (9:2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 閱讀課程對英語閱讀意願之研究
該期刊-下一篇 面試日期選擇能否影響個人申請的招生績效──以一所大學為例




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