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A study of TOEIC learning performance by APP mobile materials
作者 蔡緒浩
The English ability of students in the vocational system has been criticized by people, and TOEIC has also become an indicator of the English competence of most enterprises. Therefore, this study explores the applicability of TOEIC learning by using APP mobile materials, and analyzes Chihlee University of Technology from the following three constructs: (1) the student's gender, (2) the student's the entrance scores of English, and (3) the time when the student reads in the APP mobile materials. This research is based on the first-level students of Chihlee University of Technology as the survey and research objects. The study is made on the test results of the APP mobile materials used in TOEIC learning. The research results are divided into seven sections: (1) analysis by gender, (2) analysis by the entrance scores of English, (3) analysis by reading time, (4) analysis by gender and the entrance scores of English, (5) by Analysis of gender and reading time, (6) analysis of reading time and the entrance scores of English, (7) analysis of gender, reading time and the entrance scores of English. Based on the above research results, the author also put forward related suggestions as a reference for future research. The above research results can be provided to TOEIC teachers to improve the learning performance when they face the different gender of students, the different entrance scores of English of students, and the different reading time of students.
起訖頁 1-9
關鍵詞 APP行動教材多益英文APPmobile materialTOEICEnglish
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202009 (9:2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 以徵收動態性匝道費緩解國道塞車之可行性研究──以國道五號為例




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