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刑事政策與犯罪研究論文集 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Research on Chain of Custody - Strengthening Ways fromFamous Cases
作者 李承龍方圓蔡佩芬
犯罪現場之物證,從蒐集、保存、運送、實驗室鑑定,一直到法庭成為呈 堂證供,整個交接、移轉的過程,應確保證物未受污染和調包的疑慮,方可完 備鑑定流程及溯源的需求。物證在法庭上具有證據能力,必須符合證據相同及 情況相同等兩大基本原則的管制流程,因此,證物監管鏈扮演十分關鍵的角 色,它不僅是犯罪現場調查的關鍵,更是攸關起訴、審判成敗的基礎。 本文有關證物監管鏈之研究,除說明證物監管鏈的意義和內涵外,另引 用美國、臺灣兩件著名重大案例探討,說明證物監管鏈的問題和省思,討論 現今實務工作的問題,期待從中學習經驗,避免重踏覆轍。 文中提出強化證物監管鏈的作法,除敘明傳統的證物監管鏈與現階段 採用無線射頻識別(RFID)之方式,另敘述套用新興科技區塊鏈技術之想 法。文末提出偵查新概念和運用新科技的構思,期待能強化並發揮證物監管 鏈的功能,發現真相避免冤獄。
The entire process of physical evidence from a crime scene, including collection, preservation, transportation and laboratory identification, need to be ensured that the evidence is not contaminated and their traceable identification processes are completed. The physical evidences in the court must conform to the control processes with principles of the same evidence and situation. The chain of custody plays a very important role and it is also the key to the crime scene investigation. It is also the basis for the success or failure of the prosecution and trial. In this paper, this research starts from the description of the definition and details of the chain of custody. We will discuss those problems of the crime scene investigation and the current practical works by two famous cases from the USA and Taiwan. We hope that we could learn to avoid repeating the same mistakes. We also try to strengthen the chain of custody, from explaining the traditional evidence chain and the new approach of adopting Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) at the present stage. In addition, we look forward to the application of new technology in the field of blockchain and finally propose new ideas for investigating and applying new instruments. With the applied function of the evidence chain of custody, we could find the truth and avoid innocent cases in the future.
起訖頁 311-332
關鍵詞 鑑識科學,證物監管鏈,區塊鏈,無線射頻識別,O.J 辛普森案, 江 O 慶案Forensic Science Chain of Custody Blockchain Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) OJ Simpson Case Kuo-Ching Chiang Case
刊名 刑事政策與犯罪研究論文集  
期數 202010 (22期)
出版單位 法務部司法官學院犯罪防治研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 跟蹤糾纏行為犯罪化之趨勢
該期刊-下一篇 槍彈殺傷力判定標準之研究




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