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「齊元」之爭與「高祖」更易— 高歡、高洋歷史地位的改換
Contentions Over the Founding Year of the Northern Qi Dynasty and the Title of ''Gaozu'': The Historical Status of Gao Huan and Gao Yang
作者 胡勝源
The fleeing of Emperor Xiaowu of Northern Wei 孝武帝 (r. 532-535) west to Guanzhong led to the disintegration of the Northern Wei dynasty and the formation of the Eastern Wei dynasty. By being highly respectful towards Emperor Xiaojing of Eastern Wei 孝靜帝 (r. 534-550), Gao Huan 高歡 (496-547) stabilized both the people's support and the general circumstances, and all throughout remained in the role of subject to Emperor Xiaojing. His son Gao Yang 高洋, Emperor Wenxuan of Northern Qi 文宣帝 (r. 550-559), however, dismissed the opinions of others, resolutely claiming the throne for himself. Through assisting Gao Yang in his endeavor to usurp the Wei dynasty, Wei Shou 魏收 (507-572) obtained various high official positions, as well as constructing a theoretical basis for the establishment of the Northern Qi dynasty. Within his compiled dynastic histories, Wei Shou defined Gao Huan's rebellion and triumph against the Erzhus 爾朱 at Hanling as the founding year of the Northern Qi, thereby constructing a ''moral mandate of the Qi'' 齊德 to supersede the ''moral mandate of the Wei'' 魏德. In addition, he also conferred the dynastic title ''Gaozu (Exalted Progenitor) Emperor Wenxuan'' 高祖文宣帝 to Gao Yang as his temple and memorial names, so that it would draw a parallel with Gaozu Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei 孝文帝 (r. 471-499). This constructed the authority and legitimacy for Gao Yang to replace Emperor Xiaojing, who was considered to ''possess the manners of Emperor Xiaowen'' 有孝文風. Although Wei Shou's arguments within his compiled Wei Shu 魏書 were later challenged and thwarted by Zu Ting 祖珽 (550-577) and Yang Xiuzhi 陽休之 (509-582), with collaboration from Zhao Yanshen 趙彥深 and the family of Li Delin 李德林 (530-590) of the following generation, they controlled a discursive authority over the compilation of the dynastic history of the Northern Qi as well as altering the historical status of both Gao Huan and Gao Yang, an influence which has lasted to this day. The discoveries in this article serve to help reexamine the traces of the power struggles and historical constructions behind the writing of Wei Shu, Bei Qi Shu 北齊書, and Bei Shi 北史, and to reflect upon the influence of the iconic status of Emperor Xiaowen on the political shifts during the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi.
起訖頁 91-132
關鍵詞 北齊高歡高洋魏收the Northern Qi dynastyGao Huan 高歡Gao Yang 高洋Wei Shou 魏收
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202006 (38:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 論六朝薦表的書寫實踐與人倫品鑑
該期刊-下一篇 從委諸天命到追究責任— 南唐舊臣入宋之後的歷史認知與書寫




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