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Challenges and Strategies for Rooming-in Policy
作者 鄭雪玉洪志秀
The ten-step baby-friendly hospital is regarded as a guideline for successful breastfeeding. ''Practice rooming-in'' is a good policy for the health of mothers and their infants. However, women in the early postpartum period suffer from physical and psychological distress. Moreover, a conflict exists between the traditional postpartum ritual and rooming-in practice and the postpartum care policies and environment do not meet postpartum women's needs. Obviously, executing the policy is sometimes difficult. In order to improve the current dilemma, based on Kolcaba's comfort theory, we offer three suggestions for postpartum health care providers, including (1) applying the multiple evaluation criteria and individualized postpartum care strategies to alleviate women's postpartum discomfort| (2) understanding the effects of the postpartum ritual on women's postpartum care, being aware of women's individual needs and adaptation, operating family support to facilitate the ''rooming-in'' practice, and then eliminating the conflict between postpartum ritual and the ''rooming-in'' practice| and (3) fostering a women-centering postpartum care policy and maternal friendly postpartum environment. More flexible postpartum care policy and friendly postpartum environment can facilitate the policy and beneficial to women and infants' health.
起訖頁 173-180
關鍵詞 母嬰親善醫院親子同室坐月子文化Baby-Friendly Hospitalrooming-inpostpartum ritual.
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 202006 (31:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 護理師文化能力及其相關影響因素之探討-以北台灣某醫學中心為例
該期刊-下一篇 情境學習在臨床教學中的運用




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