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The Travel Writings of Song Chunfang and His Imagination of the World: A Case Study of Parcourant le monde en flammes and Monte Carl
作者 羅仕龍
This essay aims to examine Song Chunfang's two travelogues seldom noticed by researchers in modern Chinese literature. Parcourant le monde en flames was written in French during Song''s study in Europe and published later in 1917 by Eastern Publishing House, Shanghai. Monde Kaluo (literally ''Monte Carlo''), was written in Chinese and published in 1933 by the China Travel Service, Shanghai. The latter was neither translated from the former, nor a collection of rewritings based on the former. The places, events and themes mentioned in these two publications are different, but the author''s concerns are quite similar in terms of cultural politics and social issues. Through the approach of crossreading, researchers will have a clearer understanding of Song''s ideas conveyed in these two travelogues. Moreover, the bilingual writings allow researchers to reshape the modern China represented and questioned by Song, first professor in comparative literature of the Republican era. The two publications of Song not only demonstrate his personal experiences and comparative perspective, but also reflect his contemporary Chinese intellectuals'' imagination regarding the order and the future of the world.
起訖頁 185-226
關鍵詞 宋春舫遊記海外劫灰記蒙德卡羅異國想像Song ChunfangTravel WritingsParcourant le monde en flammesMonte CarloExotic Imagination
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201912 (67期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 周作人的文學思想(1902-1923)──兼論其與五四新文學運動之關係
該期刊-下一篇 作為隱喻性的竹塹/新竹符碼──在「時間-空間」結構中的地方意識與地方書寫




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