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Study of Apple Softening through High Pressure Enzyme Impregnation
作者 李亮潔徐源泰吳思節
近年來,臺灣高齡人口快速增長,在飲食方面,因年歲增長造成的咀嚼吞嚥障礙常使高齡者有進食上的困難,可能導致其營養不均及飲食限制造成心理的負擔,因此開發適口性佳且色香味俱全之食品為高齡食品開發目標,本研究以廣受歡迎但硬脆之蘋果作為材料,全程以非熱加工方式軟化堅硬蔬果以達到日本介護食品協議會通用食品(UDF)範圍,並同時保留其外觀及營養成分。本研究最終之條件為加入切片量1/3之0.05%複合果膠酶液體,再以真空包裝機減壓處理40秒後封口,於4˚C下反應1小時,接著施以600MPa 10分鐘之高壓處理,產品可成功達UDF「容易咀嚼」等級,此製程產品適合於-20˚C冷凍保存以抑制過度軟化,在品質測定方面,以600MPa持壓10分鐘進行高壓處理後L*值顯著高於對照組、a*值顯著低對照組,表示其能夠降低切片褐變現象,還原醣、維生素C、總酚、總類黃酮含量分別為對照組之91.71%、134.44%、132.64%及119.36%,DPPH抗氧化能力為對照組之169.35%,顯示其除了能避免成分流失,亦具有增加成分釋放之效果,衛生檢驗方面則能有效抑制微生物生長且大腸桿菌群篩檢為陰性。本研究開發之新製程為全程非熱,不但能保留其外觀及營養,生產需時短且能提供即食,具有發展新高齡食品之潛力。
In recent years, Taiwan's elderly population has grown rapidly and the elderly usually have dysphagia and diet disorders. Therefore, the development of food, which is easy to ingest and appetizing in color and flavor, is the goal of food development for the seniors. This study chooses the popular and crisp apples to be the material. The object of this study is to develop the new food processing for the elderly, which is to soften the hard fruits and vegetables using this new processing without thermal treatment, while achieving UDF standards and maintaining its appearance and nutrients. The last part of this processing is to add 0.05% of commercial complex pectinase solution in the amount of 1/3 slices, and then pack with vacuum-packing machine with depressurization of 40 seconds, and react at 4 ̊C for 1 hour, then 600 MPa is applied for 10 minutes. In the end, this product should successfully reach the UDF "easy chewing" grade. This process is suitable for -20 ̊C freezing to inhibit the softening reaction. In terms of quality measurement, the L* value is significantly higher after high pressure processing at 600 MPa for 10 minutes. In the control group, the a* value was significantly lower in the control group, indicating that it could reduce the browning of the apple slices. The contents of reducing sugar, vitamin C, total phenol and total flavonoids were 91.71%, 134.44%, 132.64% and 119.36% of the control group, respectively. The DPPH antioxidant capacity was 169.35% of the control group, which showed that it not only avoided the loss of components, but also increased their release. The hygienic test can effectively inhibit the growth of microorganisms and the Coliform, as the test of Coliform was negative. The new process developed in this study is non-thermal, which not only retains its appearance and nutrition, but also shortens production time and provides ready-to-eat food. It has the potential to develop new elderly foods.
起訖頁 133-146
關鍵詞 高壓加工果膠酶真空滲透蘋果軟化食品high pressure processingpectinasevacuum impregnationapplesoften food
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201911 (65:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 兩種櫻花於熱帶地區生長適應與開花狀況調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 斑葉蝴蝶蘭之生理與生化特性




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