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The investigation on the Growth Adaptation and Flowering Status of Two Ornamental Cherry in Tropical Areas
作者 黃柔嫚 (Jou-Man Huang)
櫻花(Prunus spp.)是屬薔薇科(Rosaceae)梅屬(Prunus L.)櫻亞屬(Cerasus)之落葉木本植物,主要為分布於亞洲地區,鑒於其開花觀賞性佳極受國人喜愛,嘉義市政府擬作為景觀植物栽種於市區內。然因櫻花品系原屬溫帶氣候植物,對於是否能適應熱帶氣候之嘉義市生長尚待存疑,因此本研究針對2種較耐熱之櫻花種類河津櫻(Prunus lannesiana cv. Kawazu-zakura)、與泰國清邁生長良好之虎皇后櫻花(Prunus cerasoides),進行現地試種評估,以了解其在熱帶高溫地區之生長適應與開花狀況。結果發現兩者整體生長狀況皆屬良好,且虎皇后之生長在株高、樹冠寬度與葉群面積上皆較河津櫻值高而強健;而在開花數方面虎皇后第1年無開花、直至第2年4—5月才有40%之株樹開花且開花數低,河津櫻則為40%株樹1年可開花2次,各為2月與9—11月間。
Prunus spp. is a deciduous woody plant belonging to the subgenus Cerasus of the genus Prunus L., mainly distributed in Asia. Due to its beautiful flowers, Chiayi City Government intends to plant it as a landscape plant in the urban area.However, the Prunus spp.is a temperate-climate plant, therefore it is questionable whether it can adapt to the tropical climate of Chiayi City. Consequently, this study aimed at two kinds of more heat-resistant Prunus spp., Prunus lannesiana cv. Kawazu-zakura, and Prunus cerasoides, a well-grown breed inThailand. Field experiments were conducted to assess its growth adaptation and flowering in tropical hightemperature areas.The results showed that the overall growth of both was good, and the growth of the Prunus cerasoides was stronger than that of Prunus lannesiana cv. Kawazu-zakura, in terms of the plant height growth,canopy and total leaf-area. In the blooming, the Prunus cerasoideswas no flowering until the second year of April or May, and only 40% of the trees were flowering and the number of flowers was low. For Prunus lannesiana cv. Kawazu-zakura, 40% of the trees could flower twice a year, one in February and the other during the period from September to November.
起訖頁 119-132
關鍵詞 嘉義市選種景觀植物花期Chiayi Cityspecies selectionlandscape plantsflowering time
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201911 (65:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 葉片要素含量與番石榴葉片酚類物質含量之關係
該期刊-下一篇 高壓複合酵素滲透處理於軟化蘋果之探討




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