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An Exploration of the Imagination of Empire and Cultural Dialectic in Chen Yuhui's China - A Primary Discussion from the Perspective of Materialism
作者 徐禎苓
This essay primarily examines Chen Yuhui's China, to explain how it narrates the Qing Empire from a Western perspective and uses the writing of Chinese cultural objects (porcelain, jade, etc.) to emerge a virile portrait of Chinese culture. Chen then uses this to reexamine 18th century China as a space that crosses culture and time, thus manifesting a fresh perspective of imagination. First, this essay suggests that the novel reflects the interior mind of its characters and even the spirit and culture of China. Next, it extends argumentation through the concept of materials, to explain how the author accepts and turns over tradition when Western culture entered China. In doing so, she is placed between the space and context of Eastern and Western civilization, and finally chooses or 'transmits' orthodox culture. Last, this paper explores the development of China from the other's point of view through the process of admiration, aspiration, and disappointment, which reemerges a cultural empire that is also the reflection of the distinct traits of Chinese nationality.
起訖頁 167-189
關鍵詞 陳玉慧《CHINA》物質文化現代小說Chen Yu-HuiCHINAMaterial CultureModern Fictions
刊名 長庚人文社會學報  
期數 201404 (7:1期)
出版單位 長庚大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣性侵害犯罪加害人社區處遇之現況與檢討




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