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結合TED Talks之翻轉英文寫作課程
Flipping the EFL Writing Classroom with TED Talks
作者 曾琦芬 (Christine Chi-Fen Tseng)
本課程藉由融入TED talks進行翻轉教學,提升科技大學學生英文寫作學習動機與成效及多元文化知能。參與者為19位科技大學二技學制應用英語系學生,課程為英文寫作必修課,採取文體為主強調歷程的寫作教學模式。本文示範如何融入TED talks進行英文寫作翻轉教學。教學活動分為課前、課中、課後;課前活動包括填寫影片觀前學習單、在家觀看TED talks影片、線上測驗、填寫學習單;課中活動包括討論線上測驗及學習單、撰寫作文、改寫作文、小組討論、師生討論;課後活動包括填寫學習日誌及寫作反思紀錄。分析學生的寫作表現及課程回饋問卷結果顯示,融入TED talks的翻轉寫作課程確實有助於提升學生英文作文流暢度與可讀性、增加字彙與課室投入程度、培養多元文化素養和國際觀。本文亦針對課程推廣之可行性及其限制提出建議。
This paper describes an innovative flipped EFL writing class model. With the incorporation of TED talks and implementation of flipped classrooms, it is hoped that higher efficacy can be achieved in teaching and learning EFL writing. A total of 19 students who were English majors in the second-year program at a university of science and technology participated in this research. The course is a mandatory writing course, which takes a genre-based, process-oriented approach to teaching EFL writing. This paper demonstrates how to incorporate TED talks into the writing class. Activities can be divided into pre-class, in-class, and post-class elements. Pre-class activities include filling in pre-viewing worksheets, watching TED talks at home, taking online tests, and filling in post-viewing worksheets; in-class activities include discussion of online tests and worksheets, writing essays and revising essays, group discussion, and teacher-student discussion; postclass activities include writing learning logs and reflecting on writing. An analysis of students' essays and responses to the course feedback questionnaire revealed that flipped writing classrooms that incorporate TED talks indeed help improve the fluency and readability of learners' writing, enlarge their vocabulary, enhance classroom commitment, and cultivate multi-culture literacy and global vision. Limitations and pedagogical implications are also discussed in this paper.
起訖頁 71-114
關鍵詞 TED talks多元文化素養英文寫作流暢度翻轉教室TED talksmulti-culture literacyEFL writingfluencyflipped classroom
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 201912 (3:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 起心動念齊樂樂――以ARCS動機模式探討音樂劇場通識課程設計及大學生的學習成效
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