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Giving Students Marketable Skills: Incorporating Project Literacy of Engineers into the Slopeland Engineering Course
作者 許世孟
本文為國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系「山坡地工程學」之教學創 新與沿革。課程除了教授既有的知識之外,其最終目標係突破考試分數 取向及取得技師考照資格之既有課程內涵,以培訓「工程師專案素養」為宗旨,將專業知識結合專題式教學,培育學生之發現問題、分析並解決問題的能力,以及提早訓練學生投標簡報技能,產製人生第一本服務建議書,擁有投標簡報、擔任評審委員與計畫主持人等多重經驗,使學生提早體驗職場實戰狀況,達到讓學生知道所學為何之目的;再透過多元教學方法,豐富課程內容,打造與產業接軌的學習環境,提升學生未來職場競爭力。
This paper outlines the innovative teaching model and evolution of the Slopeland Engineering course taught at the Department of Harbor and River Engineering at National Taiwan Ocean University. In addition to delivering basic professional knowledge, this course attempts to break through the conventional pedagogical framework, which is based on examoriented education, by incorporating project literacy of engineers into the curriculum. This novel teaching model consists of various techniques, including project-based learning, development of skills to identify, analyze, and solve problems, preparation of project proposals and presentations, and assumption of different roles (e.g., PI (project investigator), Co-PI, and committee members) in a competing project. Through such training, students can participate in ''real world'' problem-solving in advance and achieve the learning objective. The teaching process involves the preparation of a variety of teaching content to enrich the curriculum. This innovative teaching model has established a learning platform for students that helps them connect with industry and prepares them for the future job market by making them highly competitive.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 工程師專案素養培育專題式教學法換位思考訓練團隊合作學習法cultivation of project literacy of engineersproject-based learningtraining of transposition thinkingteam-based learning
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 201912 (3:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-下一篇 起心動念齊樂樂――以ARCS動機模式探討音樂劇場通識課程設計及大學生的學習成效




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