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5W1H Training Effectiveness for Information Extraction: Interpreting Summarized Chinese Indictments into English
作者 張中倩
過去10年,法庭口譯成為新的研究議題。於2008年開始,臺灣設立、實施法庭通譯之相關規定及細節,但有關當局、學界均注意到一些主要問題(Chang, 2013, 2016;Y. L. Chen, 2018;Chen & Chen, 2013;Y. T. Chen, 2018;Tu, 2019)。其中,法庭通譯訓練的缺乏為主要議題之一,由於成為法庭通譯的語言能力門檻不高,在特約通譯取得證書後,是否有能力協助處理法庭案件,儼然引起批評及憂慮。由於多數法律文件內容艱澀,在法庭訊問中,以閱讀方式表達時,更容易造成通譯人員在聆聽訊息後,無法迅速處理訊息及翻譯;再加上中、英語言句法結構上存在許多差異,對於新手法庭通譯來說,當聽到一大段資料濃縮的訊息時,常常不知如何著手進行翻譯。在案件處理時,此情況常發生於簡易起訴書的翻譯。本研究採用5W1H資料擷取策略訓練學習「法庭口譯」的學生,檢視此策略是否可以有效地幫助學習者擷取簡易起訴書中的重要訊息,在檢視學習成效時,重點為中譯英的「信息完整度」及「文法正確性」,學生共處理了13件簡易起訴書,分析顯示:5W1H策略對於訓練訊息擷取非常有成效,學習者能擷取、處理案件所提之多重細節(人物、地點、內容、時間、緣由、過程),在13週訓練之後,學生在斷句、擷取細節、中譯英的表達及文法正確度方面,皆有明顯進步。
In the past decade, court translation/interpretation has attracted much research interest in Taiwan. In 2008, relevant guidelines and details were established, and court translation and interpretation became formal practices. However, some problems have become more noticeable and have drawn the attention of the authorities and researchers (Chang, 2013, 2016; Y. L. Chen, 2018; Chen & Chen, 2013; Y. T. Chen, 2018; Tu, 2019). One problematic issue is the lack of training for certified court interpreters. Because the threshold of language competence for becoming a courtcertified interpreter is not very high, the assumption that a certified interpreter can effectively assist with a court case has received much criticism. This difficulty stems from the fact that most legal documents are not reader-friendly, a feature further compounding the comprehension problem when all messages are conveyed orally. As the syntactic structures of Chinese and English differ substantially, novice court interpreters, when hearing a paragraph of condensed expressions, tend to become baffled and unsure of where to start. Consequently, much time is required for information processing. This situation is especially evident in court interpreters' handling of summarized indictments. The present study adopts a training method to help student interpreters to parse a summarized indictment and extract key information. Employing the 5W1H strategy, this study examines the effect of training on students' ability to process the given indictments in Chinese and to interpret them accurately into English. The participants processed 13 indictments in total, and their renditions were evaluated based on the criteria of information completeness and grammatical correctness. The results have indicated the 5W1H strategy greatly helped the participants filter through the layers of information more effectively and produce English interpreting renditions more accurately.
起訖頁 115-164
關鍵詞 5W1H策略訊息擷取簡易起訴書起訴書翻譯5W1H strategyinformation extractionsummarized indictmentindictment interpreting
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202003 (13:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 《易經》的最初西傳與翻譯:17至18世紀中葉耶穌會士的翻譯策略和意識形態初探
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣德文翻譯之現況與挑戰




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