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A Study of Hu Shih's Translations of Ibsen From the Perspective of Patronage
作者 朱淑霞
This paper focuses on Hu Shih's translations of Ibsen's plays which were published in the special Ibsen edition of New Youth in 1918. Hu Shih was not only a reader and translator, but also a patron of the literary arts who both publicized and manipulated the translation rules for foreign literature. He was also a professional editor who not only corrected the texts of translations, but also did most of the planning for the magazine New Youth, which introduced new ideas and promoted the further development of Chinese social culture. During the May 4th New Literature Movement, Hu Shih manipulated the use of baihuawen (vernacular Chinese) to translate the new trends of thought and promoted a Chinese Renaissance. Although Hu Shih's translations of Ibsen's dramas may have left room for improvement, we now see that the real value of these translations lies in Hu Shih's ability to manipulate the power of patronage in such a way as to influence Chinese literary translation in the early 20th century.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 胡適翻譯易卜生意識型態贊助人Hu ShihtranslationIbsenideologypatronage
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202003 (13:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-下一篇 十九世紀英語世界裡中國小戲《補缸》的譯介考釋




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