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Wisdom for Curriculum Leadership of Beginning Principals at Elementary Schools
作者 林志成 (Chih-Cheng Lin)蕭育琳吳司宇
Curriculum leadership of beginning principal presents as significant topics in school administration research since it comprises of highly professional actions. This thesis discussed the major challenges, as well as the corresponding strategies, of two beginning principal from the points of curriculum leadership wisdom by means of literature analysis and interview. Three major challenges on curriculum leadership lie ahead of the two beginning principal: 1) lack of direct curriculum leading experience, resulting in their narrow horizon, unprogressive curriculum design and small social network resources; 2) school employee aspect including school culture, staff attitude and team execution; 3) development and continuation of the school, requiring parent support and community recognition. Six action strategies were adopted as solutions of the challenges for these principals: 1. Enhance the awareness, perform effective actions and engage critical thinking, and increase curriculum leading experience. 2. See the hurdles and discuss challenges, hold tightly the opportunities and find any possible resources. 3. Realize team leadership strategies by showing the core values, setting ambitious goals and taking support measures. 4. Involve outside professional teachers, establish the curriculum operating system and participate in teacher communities. 5. Adhere to the policy by following those good precedents in order to promote curriculum development. 6. Understand the primary needs of parents and the community, ensure effective mutual communication and magnify recognition. In conclusion, this thesis provides suggestions and solutions on the point of the wisdom for curriculum leadership (i.e., through the cycle of plan, act, observe and reflect) for beginning principal and education administration institutions.
起訖頁 19-43
關鍵詞 行動智慧初任校長課程領導課程領導智慧beginning principalcurriculum leadershipwisdom for actionwisdom for curriculum leadership.
刊名 學校行政  
期數 202007 (128期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 新世代學習空間:理念與規劃
該期刊-下一篇 教師人格特質、知覺師生關係與職業倦怠感關係之研究




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