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An Analysis of Determinants of Starting Salary for Accounting Job Vacancies
作者 廖懿屏張窈菱林純央
This study focuses on job selection criteria and conducts empirical research on starting salaries determinants for accounting job vacancies. The sampling data covers two groups: private enterprises and employment examinations. The former uses job-searching websites to collect job vacancy data on financial accounting and auditing, and the latter, hand-collected from open recruitment prospectuses, uses the following criterion: if accounting is an examination subject then it is deemed as an accounting vacancy. The study separately analyzes the two samples and finds that the starting salary of both job vacancies is positively associated with academic qualifications and job seniority threshold. Additionally, the results from the private enterprise sample indicate that salary level is significantly higher for job-seekers with accounting firm experience or CPA licenses. It is further suggested that employers are willing to pay higher salaries for job-seekers who have reached a certain threshold of English proficiency. Work-load in accounting firms and difficulty of CPA examination are two challenges for job-seekers. The results of the study offer empirical evidence that accounting firm experience and CPA licenses have positive impacts on starting salaries, thus, providing ample motivation for inspiring business-major students or fresh graduates who are faced with the difficult process of learning accounting, preparing CPA exams, or working in an accounting firm.
起訖頁 63-92
關鍵詞 會計薪資決定因素會計師證照職缺甄選條件accountingsalaries determinantCPA licensejob selection criteria
刊名 當代會計  
期數 202005 (21:1期)
出版單位 淡江大學會計學系
該期刊-上一篇 月營收編製基礎變動前後資訊內涵之比較
該期刊-下一篇 董事會特性和財務主管特質之關聯




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