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Information Content Comparison of Monthly Sales Before and After Change of Preparation Basis
作者 王蘭芬張仲岳劉昃恩
To provide investors with more timely financial information, Taiwan's securities market has a unique requirement that is ahead of the rest of the world: listing companies are required to announce by the 10th day of each month their monthly sales amount for the previous month. Prior to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption, Taiwan listing companies were required to prepare its financial reports on a basis of individual-entity. Thus, the announced monthly sales information only included individual sales of a parent company but excluded sales of affiliated companies (subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries). In addition, unrealized sales were included when downstream transactions occurred between a parent company and a subsidiary. Since IFRS adoption in 2013, Taiwan listing companies have been required to change the prepareation basis of their financial reports from individual sales basis to consolidated-entity basis. The announced monthly sales thus have to include not only the parent company's own sales but also the sales from all subsidiaries. Unrealized sales from downstream transactions have to be eliminated as well. Therefore, this study employs sample data from the year 2010 to 2015 to compare whether the monthly consolidated sales announced by the listed company after the change in the preparation basis is more content informative than that before the change. The findings indicate that monthly consolidated sales have higher information content than monthly individual sales. The study further divides declared monthly sales into good-news and bad-news groups. In the good-news group, consolidated monthly sales have significantly increased the information content compared to individual sales. No significance is found in the bad-news group. In terms of consolidated sales, the information content of the good-news group and bad-news group are also different.
起訖頁 33-62
關鍵詞 月營收編製基礎變動個別營收合併營收資訊內涵monthly salespreparation basis changeindividual salesconsolidated salesinformation content
刊名 當代會計  
期數 202005 (21:1期)
出版單位 淡江大學會計學系
該期刊-上一篇 環境策略、管理與企業價值──以台灣製造為例
該期刊-下一篇 會計職缺起薪薪資之決定因素




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