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The History and Controversy of Editing Wittgenstein's Nachlass
作者 王士源
這篇論文的主要目的,在於藉由說明維根斯坦個別著作與整體遺稿間的關係,展示維根斯坦思想發展的連續性與整體性。筆者將維根斯坦遺稿的編輯歷史區分為三個階段:「遺稿執行人版」、「歷史考證版」和「電子與數位版」。這三個階段編輯策略的差異,影響了學界對於維根斯坦哲學的理解與詮釋。首先,維根斯坦遺稿的編輯問題,主要來自於其獨特的寫作與編排文稿的方式,亦即一個「寫作」-「改寫」-「評價」-「打字」-「剪貼」的不斷循環往復的加工處理過程。這個繁複的過程,使得這些著作間形成為一個相互連結的「評論」網絡。然而遺稿執行人卻在未釐清遺稿發展歷程的情況下,常以「選集」的編輯方式,將個別「評論」抽離其原始的論述脈絡。而在「歷史考證版」階段,由舒爾特(Joachim Schulte)編輯的《邏輯哲學論》與《哲學研究》的考證版,以及內鐸(Michael Nedo)編輯的「維也納版」,為維根斯坦思想發展的「連續性」,提供了一條信實可靠的文獻脈絡。最後,卑爾根大學在2000年出版的《維根斯坦遺稿:卑爾根電子版》和2014年推出的維根斯坦遺稿的數位網站版本,讓維根斯坦所有的遺稿以一個整體脈絡的形式呈現。這些文獻學範疇的編輯考證成果,為維根斯坦思想的理解與詮釋,提供了新的可能。
The purpose of this paper is to show the continuity of Wittgenstein's thought in virtue of demonstrating the relationship between Wittgenstein's writings. This research divides the editorial history of Wittgenstein's Nachlass into three stages or editions: the literary executors' edition, the historical-critical edition, and the electronic-digital edition. The differences between the three editions have influenced the understanding and interpretation of the development of Wittgenstein's Philosophy. First, this paper surveys the "editing intervention" in the literary executors' edition. The difficulty of editing Wittgenstein's Nachlass mainly comes from Wittgenstein's unique approach to writing and arranging manuscripts, that is, a "writing"-"rewriting"-"evaluation"-"dictation"-"clipping" process. This complicated process allows these writings to form a network of interrelated "remarks". However, the literary executors' edition often extracted the individual "remarks" from the original development context and compiled them in the form of anthology. In the historical-critical edition stage, Joachim Schulte's Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung: kritische Edition and Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition, as well as Michael Nedo's Wiener Ausgabe, by contrast, provided a reliable literature context to identify the "continuity" of the development of Wittgenstein's thought. Finally, the electronic edition and digital website edition of Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen present all of Wittgenstein's Nachlass as well as connecting individual remarks with the help of a search tool into an organic wholeness of thought. In other words, the editions from the last two stages provide new possibilities for the systematical understanding and interpretation of the development of Wittgenstein's Philosophy.
起訖頁 241-290
關鍵詞 維根斯坦維根斯坦遺稿維也納版卑爾根電子版WittgensteinWittgenstein's NachlassWiener AusgabeBergen Electronic Edition
刊名 思與言  
期數 201906 (57:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 回到心理學去:文藝心理學發展反思




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