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In Pursuit of "Socialism" in the Bible: Hottinger S. C. Chang's Christian Socialism, Interpretation of the Gospels and Images of Jesus
作者 王志希
Hottinger S. C. Chang, a Christian intellectual in Republican China, was considered as "a representative of Christian socialism in China", and Chang in his later years introduced himself as an "evangelist of Jesusism". Since the 1920s, Chang had believed that "Jesusism", a term he coined, equaled socialism or Christian socialism. This article explores how Chang, through interpretation of the Gospels, remade the image of a socialist Jesus so as to accommodate Christianity to socialism. Firstly, this article analyzes Chang's uses of some key terms such as Jesusism, socialism and other related concepts. Secondly, we discuss how Chang, based on the relationship between Jesus and the proletarians, on Jesus's criticism of capitalism, and on his criticism of imperialism, attempted to justify the legitimacy of Christian socialism. Lastly, focusing on the issue of whether Christians should support violent revolution or class struggle, one will see how Chang's interpretation of the Gospels and his images of Jesus changed in response to the historical contexts. In the last analysis, "the Gospel According to Socialism" proposed by Chang was not needed, or even tolerated, in socialist China.
起訖頁 139-200
關鍵詞 張仕章基督教社會主義耶穌主義耶穌形象福音書Hottinger S. C. ChangChristian SocialismJesusismImages of JesusThe Gospels
刊名 思與言  
期數 201906 (57:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 文字者,國家之精神:清末西學浪潮下漢語之提倡及變革論述
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