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Domain Specificity of Perfectionism: Depends on Whom and What the Domains Being Examined
作者 許庭韶許維素 (Wei-Su Hsu)李俊仁 (Jun Ren Lee)
This study examined the concept of perfectionism pertaining to universality or domain specificity and observed the influence of gender on this concept. The Chinese version of the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised was used as the perfectionism index. We measured perfectionism in a certain domain by inserting the leading sentence to the questions of Almost Perfect Scale-Revised, for example, in sports. In the first study, athlete and nonathlete college students were recruited as participants. The study and sports domains were examined. This study found that the influences of the type of domain, type of participant, and gender at high standards were significant. Significant interaction was observed between the type of participants and the type of domains and gender. In a correlation analysis, a correlation was observed between the study and sports domains for nonathlete students but not for athlete participants, irrespective of the high standards or discrepancies present. No correlations were observed between the study and sports domains in terms of gender for high standards. However, a correlation was observed between study and sports domains for discrepancies for female participants. Factor analysis revealed two factors for athlete students but only one factor for nonathlete participants. The first study observed the differences between different domains in terms of the high standards and the unrelated phenomenon between the domains supported perfectionism as domain specificity, but the correlation between high standards between domains, and the result of a single factor for the non-athlete participants supports perfectionism as domain general. The second study further examined this topic pertaining to the life and study domains of college students. We observed a difference between the study and life domains in terms of the high standard scores. However, no differences were observed among genders, and there was no interaction between the gender and domain aspects. The correlational analysis revealed a significant correlation between life and study domains in terms of high standards and discrepancy for female participants but not for male participants. The factor analysis results presented a single factor. According to the results of this study, we suggested that the domain-general and domain-specific issues can be considered based on the perceived importance of the examined domain to participants and the characteristics of participants.
起訖頁 257-274
關鍵詞 完美主義性別差異領域特定性Domain-specificGender differencesPerfectionism
刊名 教育心理學報  
期數 201912 (51:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
該期刊-上一篇 員工協助方案人員面對保密議題之倫理判斷歷程研究
該期刊-下一篇 諮商心理師全職實習與專業督導的現況調查研究




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