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Somewhere between Self-Cultivation and Martialism: Yomegaku and Bushido following the Meiji Restoration
作者 張崑將
This article closely examines how Youmeigaku since the Meiji Restoration became a theory that drove nationalism and even the spiritual cultivation of Yamatodamashi (Japanese spirit) forwards, step by step. The article especially focuses on how Youmeigaku was pioneering in the circles of military, politics, and academia, hence, making itself an ingredient of martial Bushido. When it comes to''martialism,'' the related''self-cultivation'' cannot be ignored. This military self-cultivation in early modern Japan is different from that brought forth by the traditional Confucian officials. In the second section, the article treats the reason why Youmeigaku following the Meiji Restoration emerged closely related to Bushido. This was in large part owing to the fact that the Meiji ministers were keen on and scholars advocated Youmeigaku. In the third section, the article presents a further analysis of how the rightist scholars transformed Youmeigaku into the selfcultivation of''martial virtue'' and Shintoism. It was a fanatic Youmeigaku, colored by nationalism and Shintoism. It thus became a mainstream thought to give birth to the Bushidoized Youmeigaku. Lastly, the concluding section reflects on how this prewar Bushidoized Youmeigaku returned back to China to become a theory of spiritual self-cultivation attractive to both Reformist and Revolutionary generals. The article thereby hopes to open a prospective subject for the future studies of Youmeigaku.
起訖頁 73-109
關鍵詞 中華職棒參與動機驗證性因素分析Chinese Professional Baseball League(CPBL)Participation MotivationConfirmatory factor analysis.
刊名 思與言  
期數 201909 (57:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 瘴癘疾疫與衛生治理:晚清馬偕臺灣傳教行醫的衛生管制反思
該期刊-下一篇 華資輕工業企業的早期發展:以南洋兄弟煙草公司為例(1905-1915)




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