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The Experience of Suffering and Belief Perceived by the Catholic Cancer Patients
作者 潘春旭
This paper is designed primarily to understand how the cancer believers look at and perceive their suffering experience. Could they transcend today's social-cultural framework and embody certain moral life which was obeyed by themselves? By means of interviewing four Catholic cancer believer as the main analytical data in this paper, the paper is divided into four parts: 1. The sick body of the cancer believers, 2. The suffering process of the cancer believers, 3. The relationship between the cancer believers and others around them, 4. The religious belief of the cancer believers. The discovery of this analytic research is very especial about how they look at their bodies: 'I want to serve more people with this body,' they believe. Because they are aware of God involves in their lives after illness and control all situations in the world. The cancer believers show the attitude of transcendence toward illness when they respond to their corporal suffering and anxiety in heart. This kind of faith relieves the cancer believers' anxiety and leads them to develop certain moral life which goes beyond the suffering and to realize the meaning of life accordingly.
起訖頁 57-76
關鍵詞 宗教追尋改宗理論依附理論新興宗教台灣宗教religious seekersconversion theoryattachment theorynew religionTaiwanese religion
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200912 (8:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣民間信仰的宗教靈療方法及其信仰基礎──以台中慈德慈惠堂的「叩問儀式」為例
該期刊-下一篇 《懺悔錄》中之愛的三部曲:自我之愛、鄰人之愛、上帝之愛




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