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The Dependent Rising and Ruining of the Buddhist Kingdom: The Nature and Culture of the Buddhist Gardens in Luo-yang Qie-lan Ji
作者 劉苑如
The main theme of Yang Xuan-zhi's楊衒之 Luoyang qielanJi洛陽伽藍記 is to record the Buddhist temples and gardens in the Capital Luoyang洛陽 during the Northern Wei北魏. Meanwhile, it also records the politics, economics, figures, customs, geographies and numerous anecdotes of that period. Therefore, it represents the rise and fall of 'Buddha land in the human world' during the Northern Wei. Those Buddhist temples and gardens are not only natural landscapes, but also religious. This essay attempts to return to the historical situations to explore paradoxical senses of time and space by the contrast between the present and the past, the prosperity and the decay, the engaged and transcended spirits. What kinds of historical messages did those Buddhist symbols connote? How to represent a new concept of nature by the material images of those gardens, and then combine the two different kinds of universal models and the sites of enlightenment? In conclusion, the essay would interpret that how the ruinous images of Buddha kingdom enlightened and rebuilt people's spirits.
起訖頁 27-64
關鍵詞 巴特潘能伯格神學人類學上帝的形像關係的類比聖約BarthPannenbergtheological anthropologyimago Deianalgia relationiscovenant
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200908 (8:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 《二十四尊得道羅漢傳》與羅漢信仰:文字與圖像敘述
該期刊-下一篇 文學視域中的宗教生命觀:以遠藤周作宗教文學為例




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