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The Biographies of Twenty-Four Arhats and Related Cult: Literal Narration and Visional Description
作者 李玉珍
The Biographies of Twenty-Four Arhants, compiled by Chu Hsing-tsuo and published in 1605, was known as the first Chinese fiction on Arhats. Comparing with the popularity of the Cult of Arhats at the time, ironically, this fiction seems soon went out of circulation. Previous researches have often attributed its short life to rough writing, as well as the unfamiliar count of twenty-four Arhats to the sixteen, eighteen, or five hundred in common folklore. On the other hand, scholar Hu Wan-chuan recognizes the triumphant attempt of Chu Hsing-tsuo at domesticating Indian Arhats imagery to that of Chinese Zen masters by naming them with nicknames. It is the iconography rather than letters having acted as the most important medium in the Arhat Cult. In this paper I investigate how the narration skills of the fiction create the new iconography of arhats and how the images in letter interacted with the underlying principles of temple sculptures and aristocrat paintings of Arhats. In the complicated interaction, the forgotten fiction exemplifies the connection between popular fictions and religious cults in the objectification of deities and faith, as well as the necessity for of a match between religious realization and literature through iconography.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 斯馬特宗教哲學宗教現象學世界觀面向Ninian Smartphilosophy of religionphenomenology of religionworldviewdimension
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200908 (8:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-下一篇 佛國因緣--《洛陽伽藍記》中佛寺園林的自然與文化再探




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