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Two Budhhist Attitudes toward Paganism
作者 呂凱文
This paper tries to investigate the status of Paganism which existed in two kinds of Buddhist sects' texts but in utterly different explanations. We have two approaches to query this topic. Firstly, how does Savakayana Buddhism understand and explain the Paganism existed in Buddha's era? Secondly, during the procession of the newly rising Mahayana Buddhism which parted far away from Buddha's era trying to strengthen and rationalize itself by creating Mahayana sutras, how does it reconstruct the new image of the Paganism which already existed in ancient Savakayana Sutras. We are pandering here about these two questions. To proceed smoothly these questions above, this paper chooses the Nigaṇṭhaputta Sutra of two Buddhist sects and its important figure, the Nigaṇṭhaputta, a famous leading ascetic of Jainism, as our research object. By analyzing the conflicting images from these two knids of Buddhist sects's understanding and explaination, we point out that these conflicting images not merely present the Hermeneutical character of 'distanciation' and 'appropriation' which mentioned by Paul Ricoeur, more than the consistency of two Buddhist sects's text and historicity also greatly effects their attitudes toward other Paganism.
起訖頁 25-56
關鍵詞 建興二十八年松人解復鬼文Twenty-eighth year of the Jianxing reign periodPine figurineInscriptions for dispelling repetitious demons
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200706 (6:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 趙炳香火的歷史考察
該期刊-下一篇 宗教信仰的集體性與個體性一種「宗教的生活言行」觀點的初步探討




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