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The Theory and Practice of Religious Syncretism: the Case of Early Christianity
作者 蔡彥仁
本文以早期基督教為實例,探討宗教「融合」(syncretism)所引發的諸多問題,試圖論證宗教社群的動態發展過程、信仰者的有意識參與、以及社群領導人的調和與詮釋活動三者,是我們理解「融合」的重要面向。本文首先檢視「融合」的內涵與定義,肯定其在宗教史研究的價值,緊接則描述羅馬帝國社會及其承接的「希臘化文化時期」(Hellenistic Age),特別著墨一般的民間信仰概況,包括宣教儀式、節慶活動、占卜命算、神明醫療四領域,以凸顯早期基督教所處的文化與宗教脈絡。本文次則論述早期基督教雖然起源於「末世教派」,抱持極端的二元對立思想而與外界隔絕,但是因為其入世與注重實踐的宗教性格,在延續生存的強烈需求下,此一宗教社群遂與外在大環境逐步互動、交流與融合,早期基督徒的教會儀式、日常生活、神異經驗等宗教實踐上,即明顯地展示這種演進的過程。本文最後基於當今宗教與文化學者的洞見,引申討論「融合」過程的種種機制與含意,也印證出早期基督教的案例,可以為我們對於「融合」的探討與認知,提供一個絕佳的典範。
Taking early Christianity as its example, this article attempts to explore the meaning of syncretism. It first discusses the contents and definition of syncretism, affirming the value this conceptual category brings to the study of religion. It then describes the society in the early Roman empire and the Hellenistic civilization it inherits, highlighting such popular religious practices as missionary, ritual, divining, and healing activities. By delineating the historical and cultural context in which Christianity arises, the article proceeds to argue that although this religion stems from Jewish apocalyptic movement and holds a dualistic and exclusivist attitude toward the outside world, for the purpose of continuing its communal integrity and existence, it progressively interacts with the larger Roman society. Many historical records about church rituals or sacraments, believers' daily lives, and spiritual experiences substantiate this point. The last part of the article, on the basis of the insights provided by scholars of religion and anthropologists, further expounds the meaning and implications of syncretism. It argues that the progressive development of a religious community, conscious participation of believers, and interpretative and reconciling efforts of religious leaders are important dimensions that one should take into serious consideration as far as religious syncretism is concerned. And here early Christianity occurs as a paradigmatic example.
起訖頁 159-203
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200509 (4:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 基督教教義、傳統文化與實踐初探:以東排灣拉里巴眾落台坂長老教會為例
該期刊-下一篇 古埃及神廟中的儀式與祭文:以潔淨及獻啤酒為例




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