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Christian Doctrines, Traditional Cultures and Practices: A Preliminary Study through the Example of Taiban Presbyterian Church in Laliba Settlement of Eastern Paiwan
作者 譚昌國
This essay explores the complex dialectical relationships among Christian doctrines, traditional cultures and practices in historical process through the example of Taiban Presbyterian Church in Laliba settlement of Eastern Paiwan. The author explains firstly Paiwan traditional cosmology and ritual system before the coming of Christianity, then illustrates three periods of church history: the initial cultivation, the growth and consolidation, the revival and schism. Within these three periods, there are different pattern of relationships between Christian doctrines and traditional cultures, and conflicts between them could be resolved through different practices. In the initial period, proselytizing efforts were confronted with the resistance from traditional authorities, and the missionary had to engage in the power encounter between Christian God and spirits in traditional cosmology. The missionary therefore stressed the great power of God in doctrines, and competed with the sacrifice of female shamans by Christian prayer healing. As a result, traditional authorities gradually declined and were replaced by the church, which played the key role of reconstituting ethical and religious order. In this period, the doctrines concerning with love, forgiveness and the correspondence of faith and conduct were highlighted so that the believers could develop new work ethics and cope with the problems of marital relations. In the long process of adaptation to local cultures and articulation with social forces from the outside, the church developed a kind of 'church culture' regarded as too this worldly-oriented and conservative by a young pastor. She made attempts to renew the church and emphasized the transformation of inner life and the transforming power of Holy Spirit. The practices for church revival, however, led to the church schism which was also related to the conflict in doctrines between two parties. In conclusion, it is argued that Christine doctrines were shaped by traditional cultures and the practices of pastors and believers; on the other hand, in the process of the practice of Christine doctrines, traditional cultures were shaped and transformed. Moreover, traditional cultures were not necessarily totally eliminated by the practice of Christine doctrines. The traditional belief of death, particularly, co-exists with Christian doctrine of death and continues to influence the practice of local Christians.
起訖頁 113-158
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200509 (4:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 會靈山現象的社會學考察:去地域化情境中民間信仰的轉化與再連結
該期刊-下一篇 宗教融合的理論與實踐:以早期基督教為例




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